Blood clots and muscle atrophy are both potential problems with immobility and constriction. I know having those boots on seems safer, and maybe more comfortable (mine certainly was) but as soon as feasible each day you should elevate it a bit, let the swelling ease and then slip the boot off and swich to using crutches or a cane to get around. Healing will happen, but the more you push the longer it will take. I was young and stupid and did stuff I shouldn't have and it ended up being 6 months before I could walk without a limp unless I was laced up in my trusty work boots. Was a real PITA and in hindsight I should have used more common sense and elevation,... live and learn, I guess, lol.
Also, pain might be a 'PITA' to put up with but it is mother nature's way of keeping you limited until healing happens. Be very careful on any activity when using pain control since it messes with mother nature's first line of defense....
Sorry for the 'mother hen' routine, but I went through many of those mistakes, and an enormous # of joint injuries through the years...I know most heal without expensive or fancy medical care, but not always easy to give them the best chance.