Oh thats a good idea with the fish scale. I didn't think about that.
I could totally be wrong, but I find that while some lines are stronger, others also might have properties that can work with certain knots better also. For instance, some lines have more stretch, some have a slicker coating, some are thinner or thicker at the same breaking strength. All these might come into play when testing certain knots. A slicker line might not do as well with a knot that has less friction tension, a stretchier line might do better with knots that have sharper angles to them, exc...
All this is speculation of course, but maybe some of this comes into play?
Either way, the simple mono we used on the party boats seemed to do best with the palomar, and I had customers break off less with that knot than any others that we used.
Have you tried the alburto knot for braid to flouro? Look it up, its pretty cool. Very strong as well. I think its much quicker than the FG, and it is pretty close to 100%. But thats only from reading that its 100%, Again I have no way of testing. I do find however that I rarely break off at the braid to flouro connection when using it. Its similar to the Albright knot, but better I think.