• Northwest PA
  • Marcellus Shale Fracking starts to take it's Toll
2011/05/02 08:16:34
This is going to be an all too common story.
I wonder who makes out on all the drilling. I sure isn't me.
We are going to suffer and lose a lot of what we love and pay for.
High-value stream case settles
Sunday, May 01, 2011
By John Hayes, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A Texas drilling company has paid more than $208,000 in settlements of lawsuits resulting from its release of gas well fracking fluids and other pollutants into two high-quality streams in Clearfield County.
EOG Resources Inc. paid the settlements in lieu of fines and civil damages to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission following investigations by PFBC and the state Department of Environmental Protection of the company's pollution of Alex Branch and Little Laurel Run in 2009 and 2010. Both creeks are designated as high-quality waters under DEP regulations
The settlement money is being deposited into the PFBC's Fish Fund; about $40,000 of the settlement will pay for the purchase of limestone sand used to buffer a tributary at Parker Dam State Park, which is stocked with trout.
In April, Fish and Boat launched a new toll-free hotline that the public may use to report suspected pollution incidents and fish kills. The number is 1-855-FISH-KIL (1-855-347-4545).

Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11121/1143073-358.stm#ixzz1LCF5PmY5
2011/05/02 08:35:52
every thing will be fine. chill out. the forests will grow back and the streams will be fine. If u notice that the money is going to purchase limestone sand. This is probably used to buffer a stream affected by coal mining. The gas industry wont be a legacy problem like coal is. Remember they have to strip or quarry that limestone and process it. Way more intrusive than a gas well.
2011/05/02 08:45:59


This is going to be an all too common story.

Don't worry, with the DEP's budget slashed, there won't be enough investigators to catch a fraction of the illegal dumping. So, not going to be as common of a story as it could be.

Obviously, the majority of PA voters don't really care much about the situation. Corbett said from the start, there would be no taxing of the industry. Hopefully this job growth and revenue he was proposing will be enough to create some alternative recreation than fishing, and provide us with drinking water.
2011/05/02 11:09:30
Hey CU. I think your a shill for the industry. Didn't you read the article. It's not fine.
We paid for those stream improvements with our tax money and our license fees. Can't you read. They undid all of that. Money won't fix it.
You all for that? Messing up the water and the fishing? No legacy for our kids.
Get you head out.
2011/05/02 18:56:09
Triple B
Not a shill for the industry here but let's be rational. Any idea what the coal mines / acid mine drainage / early shallow oil well drilling did to PA's waterways? Fact is they're all way better off today than they were back when. There are currently 100's of Marcellus wells drilled and completed in PA without incident, providing us with more LOCALLY produced energy than we could have ever imagined. I'd rather focus on doing it responsibly in our backyard than continue to be raped by overseas folks who would just as soon behead us as look at us. Chances are you left your warm house filled with electric appliances and drove to your prefered fishing spot clothed in hi-tech products all of which are the result of fossil fuel production from somewhere. If you can do all of that with windmills, batteries and solar panels for anywhere near the same price point I'm all for it. Until that time I'll continue to support on shore energy production and spend my time working to see that it gets done right, punishing those that are responsible when it's not and enjoying the benefits it can provide us all.
2011/05/02 19:37:13
The Straight Talk editorial in the May/June edition of PA Angler and Boater is not going to make you feel any better. Looks like PA Fish & Boat are also drinking the Kool Aid.
2011/05/02 19:58:32
Triple B
They're not drinking the kool-aid either, just realizing that there can be a benefit as well. The bottom line remains - it's here and happening, you can be a part of the solution to make it better or keep your head in the sand, march with your picket signs and let it all pass you by. Last I checked, our state could use a few good jobs, some tax revenue and a reason or two for businesses to locate here. If you really do your homework and seek the facts you'll find that all you read in the media blurbs is not necessarily the whole story. There are bad apples in any bunch but PA has a pretty healthy regulatory group and is probably more up to speed in regard to oil & gas regulations than most states. I'm not suggesting we throw caution to the wind and allow corporations to control our destiny but I do believe we can find a happy medium that protects our environment & water resources while taking advantage of the resources we've been given.
2011/05/02 20:45:55

Not a shill for the industry here but let's be rational. Any idea what the coal mines / acid mine drainage / early shallow oil well drilling did to PA's waterways? Fact is they're all way better off today than they were back when.

You're kidding right? 

Coal and early gas/oil absolutely decimated many waterways in this state.  Even today it is hard to find a stream that has not been impacted by our previous energy extraction debacles.  Sure most streams have/are improving, but if you do a little research you will find it is a stretch to say many are even a mere remnant of what they were before our early hydrocarbon extraction.

It may not have been the only cause of stream degradation, but it is a significant one and one that is still visible across much of the country.   
2011/05/02 20:50:00
I don't carry a picket sign and as far as regulatory departments go thank god PA is ahead of Ohio and WV, and Ohio better get ready because they are going to boom soon as well. Don't have my head in the sand, far from it. Wish I could design a treatment system that will treat the mass quantities of flow back water that gets sent to Ohio for disposal every day or could come up with an endless supply of water to run the hundreds of frac jobs that will take place each year but I can't. I can support reasonable use of our waterways as a source of water for this work. I can support regulations that require stringent erosion and sediment control to protect our waterways. I do support the job growth and the good apples that are operating responsibly in PA. I can also shout out to Corbin and ask why one person in the DEP must cover a caseload meant for 5 people, that we can all do. The PA Fish and Boat are exchanging land and water rights for money. The demand for water is huge, huge beyond huge. Gotta have good water to live and all would agree, gotta have good water to fish. Gotta fish.
2011/05/03 14:32:31
Look I don't know what kinda drugs you are on, coal mining was good for PA nd made the water better?????  It's better today????
How far up your butt his your head. You have to be a giraffe and it's halfway back up your neck.
I saw the Clarion in the 70's and what acid drainage did to it and the Susky. Neither will ever get back to where they were before mining in the early 20th century, ever..
I guess you thought what they did to Oil was OK too??? It is a fine piece of water but will never be what it once was.
You are working for these guys and I doubt seriously that you fish or hunt like we do.
It isn't working right and if this project does it will be the first time ever. They are not policing themselve (don't make me laugh) and the PA gov't is going to look the other way while our heritage is sold off to the highest bidder.
A couple of temporary low paying and dangerous jobs for who?? All the money goes to a very few. No me or any hunters or fisherman that's for sure.
Oh by the way stoner, the gas ain't free, you will pay handily for it and then some.
It's our hard earned tax dollars and water and land rights going to a few rich and privelaged.  See the far west for that fiasco. PA is going down the same road.
But like I said you don't hunt and fish.
By the way most of us are giving up quite a bit in gas money just to get to water or land. That's another pile of bull that is making a few people a lot of money. Oh I guess you think this will all work out in our favor.
Too pathetic to even laugh at you.

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