2016/03/17 17:29:10
Okay, finally got back to it.  Lazy tax hit me hard over the winter, but I'm fixing to make up for it with a week or two of hard work now.  Besides, it is going to be cold all next week.  So I called in some favors and got a place to wrench on the boat indoors.  Bonus, it has a proper 40' ceiling, which lets me walk about the boat without banging my head.  
Got the cover off and jumped into it.  Figured out rather quickly that I should have brought my circular saw, as the floor rebuked my efforts to pry it up.  I wrote that down on my tools list, and moved on to the front bolsters.  Removed them all but the smallest front pad.  Not sure what I'll be doing up here yet.  My plan for this area is to replace the crappy cleat with a proper one, and then put a 6" piece of track up there perpendicular to the boat.  But looking at that board behind the pad, I could attach some things here instead.  I'm kicking that around.  Here is a pic of that:

And a pic of the front bolsters removed:

Oh!  While I was sitting up front considering, I though of something to do on those ^ console fronts (passenger side is identical).  I'm thinking of an angled board with a three rod holder attached.  Then another angled board that same size but with a nice pad installed.  Then a couple of bolts to hold them on that I can swap out depending on the trip.  If I'm going to have front passengers I'll put the pads on, but if we're fishing that's 6 rod holders that are mostly out of the way.  Between those and the trees I'm ordering I'll be able to hang 12 rods/nets.  That will do nicely I think.  Just have to work out the angle and the fasteners.  Shouldn't be too hard.  
Also did some work on the trailer.  I managed to snap off one of the stainless guide rods, but my dad welded it back together.  We wrote up a list of absurdly rusty bolts (see pic) for replacing, and I pulled the spare off to replace it with a proper matching tire.  Which won't quite fit where it was mounted.  That probably explains why there is some BS smaller tire on the rim now.  I'm not having that nonsense, so we're engineering a canted mount for the new tire.  

All I got done today, besides writing out a big list of stuff I need to gather and buy.  Also discussed the new wiring and some of the parts needed for that.  Planning on hitting it hard tomorrow to finish up the floor removal.  Then a good thorough cleanup of the whole boat.  Then measure for the new floor and get the gas tank back in.  If I get that far tomorrow I'll be quite pleased.  Will update when I can.
2016/03/17 22:05:40
Looooooooking real good there, Hoss.   
OMG I am so sorry I said that!!!!!    
Well maybe NOT!!!!
Thanks for starting a second chapter, my eyeballs would bounce for an hour, after trying to load chapter 1.

Good luck buddy, you're going to have a nice boat.
PS.  New cover looked super!!
2016/03/18 22:57:33
Got back to the boat this morning and hit that floor.  And... DONE!  

Left a strip of floor in the rear because the... vent dealy there is rivited through the floor.  And also because it isn't like we'll be putting any weight there, and those two pieces of floor aren't soggy.  

Might have to cut a bit more of the front floor back to hit that brace better.  

2016/03/18 23:09:27
Tomorrow's task list:
- sweep out all of the BS from the floor removal
- put the gas tank back (just hucking it in there, waiting for new braces before installing it)
- measure for new floor boards and make diagrams
Probably take Sunday off.  Ordered a bunch of stuff for the boat, should be like boat-y christmas next week.  Short list:
- stainless 6" cleats x3
- stainless rod holder trees x2 (http://www.greatlakesplaners.com/store/proddetail.asp?prod=GLP-013)
- bert's 6" track x3
- new handle for winch
- fuel/water separator for merc engines (props to btdt for that suggestion)
- dc quick disconnect plugs x4 (http://www.solarcapitalist.com/sae2pin-power-side-connector-12awg-lead-pigtails.aspx)
Oh, I also got a new MATCHING spare tire mounted instead of the BS tire that was on there.  Have to get that thing mounted.  Also replaced a bunch of those rusty bolts on the trailer but forgot to snap pics.  Will add those tomorrow.  
2016/03/19 14:49:06
Saturday work accomplished.  Couple of pics.  Conned the wife into the vaccuum work...

Gas tank back in place, ready for braces and re-attachment:

New bolts on the front of the trailer:

Took measurement for flooring.  Going to pick that up Thursday with a friend's truck.  Then we'll reattach the gas tank, test it, and rough in the floor.  Need to pick up seat bases before I can attach the floor anyway.  
2016/03/21 15:42:03
Got in a couple part orders.  First the fuel/water seperator... luckily BTDT said he'd come install this thing.  Since I have no idea what to do with it otherwise.  

Then my DC plugs.  4 battery side and 4 equipment side.  And they even threw in 8 pieces of shrink tubing for the install for free.  Which is pretty fantastic.

Those connectors are from these guys:  http://www.solarcapitalist.com/  I usually order everything from Amazon, but occasionally a small merchant has just what you need.  Figure they are worth a mention.  I plan to use the 4 equipment leads for my bait jaccuzzi, two on DIY green fishing lights, and one on a bubbler pump to use on a minnow bucket.  Will supply pics of that when I get them wired up.
Off to pick up a present for myself... but that's a secret!  BTDT - what day is good for you?  And you'll have lunch, right?  :D
2016/03/22 14:46:41
Got the rest of the stuff in today.  Well, minus the trees, but that guy literally goes and welds them up after you order.  So I guess a few extra days is appropriate.  These are the tracks w/mounting gear, the new cleats and the replacement winch handle.  I'll miss the duct tape handle I'm replacing though...

2016/03/22 15:38:11
Hey Zelie, I'll be happy to help ya out, I need to learn how to install those things so I can get one for my boat.  I'm open the second Tuesday of next week.  
All kidding aside, things are coming together nicely, so you'll be finished for the picnic and crappie tournament I told everybody you are hosting at Arthur.   I mean, even if you are not finished with your project boat, the pontoon can haul like 10-12 guys ....... right???
It's gonna be a good times at Sam's in May!!!!!!
2016/03/22 16:09:42
You mean the pontoon that I sold last week?  New owner might take you guys... 
Once I get the floor started on Thursday I'll be close enough to feel the lake.  Got to pick up some seats and some wiring parts and then we'll see how long until she floats again.  In the meanwhile, I'll keep an eye open for invites to fish Shenango.  :)
2016/03/22 17:06:20
                                                                         you did what ??  
Anyway I saw where ya sold the pontoon ...............out from under me       Congratulations.
As soon as the docks are in and the wind don't blow on Shenango, we shall go.  Ain't I clever? 

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