2011/10/06 19:00:05
I did do some searching on it and found a bunch of threads on the topic, but all the threads are just arguing whether you are allowed to use them or not. Some of the people did talk to wardens and contacted the PFBC, but some of the officers said it was legal while others said it wasn't, so there was really no straight answer. Then there was the thing saying it is legal to use trout worms, but not Gulp. Well gulp makes trout worms. I guess I'll just have to wait for the PFBC to answer me back, but what if they say it is legal to use, then an officer approaches me on the stream and says it isn't(like the other thread), then who do I believe? I guess I'm better off fly fishing or using spinners and such...
2011/10/06 21:47:47
yea thats what i said in my first post.. its subjective to what authority you are talking to.  i'm sure if you told one that was upset about that another said it was ok, they would just warn you as long as you were not offensive in any manner.

carry around the email if they say it's legal.. your best bet
2011/10/07 08:06:41

This was taken directly from their site.
Fishing may be done with artificial lures only constructed of metal, plastic, rubber or wood, or with flies and streamers constructed of natural or synthetic materials. All such lures may be used with spinning or fly fishing gear.
The use or possession of any natural bait, baitfish, fishbait, bait paste and similar substances, fish eggs (natural or molded) or any other edible substance is prohibited.

Read/comprehend....according to what is written above,IMO, pink trout worms are perfectly legal. The slight "gray" area is the "similar" statement which makes the rule something even less likely to hold up in court.

On that note...been using them for years, talked to officers and NEVER had an issue or even been questioned on it. They don't catch fish anyway
2011/10/07 10:51:50
I wrote to the PFBC out of curiosity and asked them if they were legal or not...This is what I got....I guess its fitting when you don't have a cut-n-dry law, how can you give a cut-n-dry answer

I'm not in law enforcement, but I did ask the region law enforcement manager about your question. He basically advises people that ask that question, "When in doubt, don't use it." Since there are so many types of artificial products on the market you really have to read the ingredients label to make absolutely sure there is NO NATURAL stuff/scenting/etc. in/on the lure that would be a violation when fishing in these DHALO areas. I would also ask your local Waterways Conservation Officer the next time you see him.

Hope that helps.

Good luck fishing!

I also did some more research on Berkley Power Trout Worms...appearently, they are simply rubber worms with some scented oils on them. The Gulp are actually impregnated with scents and/or natural "stuff"
2011/10/07 11:40:30
wade alexander
rule isnt really a grey area. if your plastics got scent,spray,gel,ect... you can get fined... whether or not the officer cares is another story

they cant go making a list of every product to hand out to fishermen because 100 more would just pop up tomorrow with a different name

is stupid having artificial only areas anyway...

2011/10/07 12:03:46
" natural bait, baitfish, fishbait, bait paste and similar substances, fish eggs (natural or molded) or any other edible substance is prohibited.".......................................................^^^....................................................................^^^
...................................................................DING DING DING....Gray Areas!

And I don't see where the law states anything about scent, even though scents wear off in about 2 drifts. If the worm is made from rubber, then use it...Is what I get from the law thats provided.

Simple solution...the law should simply state artificial lures only...NO Live/Natural Bait. DONE
2011/10/07 14:10:58
If the scent is totally man-made and/or synthetic, then no problem.
If the scent, flavor, oil, etc. uses natural food sources (fish, fish oil, fish pellets, cheese, etc) or enzymes I dunno how you can think that doesn't fall under the category of "natural bait . . . similar substance . . . edible substance."
Totally agree that the law should be much more clearer than it is.  Till then, I'll avoid using scented/flavored products.  Don't really care what others do, since they're C&R areas and they'll stock more next year. 
2011/10/07 15:14:01
Here's their reply back....

I'm not in law enforcement, but I did ask the region law enforcement manager about your question. He basically advises people that ask that question, "When in doubt, don't use it." Since there are so many of those types of products on the market you really have to read the ingredients label to make absolutely sure there is NO NATURAL stuff in/on the lure that would be a violation when fishing in these DHALO areas.

Hope that helps.

Good luck fishing!

Pretty much the same exact reply as ShutUpNFish's. So I guess you can't use gulp since it has "natural" scents.
2011/10/07 16:54:06
wade alexander
its pretty clearly stated to cover the broad aray of wording companies/people use...   if its taste or smell thats involved its not legal. i dont fish much for trout but  just think the artificial only thing is kinda bs.     theres no other species with artificial only areas.

does  wd-40 still work lol :)P
2011/10/07 17:26:55
The reason for the artificial lures only thing is so that the fish that can't be harvested don't swallow the hook and get injured, and die. The chances of them swallowing a moving spinner or jig is alot smaller than an egg or worm.

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