2018/10/25 09:36:18
Just got back from the oak... I am now hooked. May my bank account forgive me.
Landed a few Kings, biggest was right before we were going to leave to start heading back home. A 27-Pound hen, in great shape too. I did lose a nice looking brown down stream and I'm still kicking myself for a very poor hookset I did on it. Managed to land a few other nice browns, but wish I landed the larger one earlier in the day.
I did well on egg sacs. And caught the two smaller browns on red blood dot with a red suckerspawn below it. Had a few fish landed using beads as well.
Was a great trip for me and my friends. I'm sure I'll be back up one more time to try the browns and steel again.
2018/10/25 20:57:49
Read Here: 
2018/10/26 09:40:35
We just did three days in P-town, fished a lot in middle river and just above town, town was too crowded.  While there were quite a few salmon around, it was mostly male zombies hanging on well used gravel, active spawning appeared to be pretty well along.  Nothing day 1, one steel for me early day two, lost quickly, 2B had a large fish right below the Pineville ramp, he lost it on the second fast run downstream,  2 steel for me and one for 2B on Thursday, none to hand however.  It looks like the cessation of heavy spawning will cause at least some of the steelhead that have been in residence down in the Kingdom to run upstream to us commoners!  So for those of you who like fast speeders over fat trucks, it is on!
2018/10/27 07:40:18
Thanks for the encouraging report, Lucky.  I have some favorite mid-river spots that just might be semi-available with wind and  rain.    My chance of landing any is darn slim, though.  Hooking, maybe.  Something to keep me nervous on the drive out. 
2018/10/27 11:51:56
Thanks for the encouraging report, Lucky.  I have some favorite mid-river spots that just might be semi-available with wind and  rain.    My chance of landing any is darn slim, though.  Hooking, maybe.  Something to keep me nervous on the drive out. 

Good luck Charlie,hope your too tired to drive back because of all the battles with the fishies!
2018/10/29 11:48:27
OOOPS wrong thread- oh well-- 
Did OK with Fall Turkey- took a nice hen after stalking a flock for a while early last week. Always found them fun to stalk in Fall.
Went back a day or two ago sat in a nice spot along a rock wall and called- midday- they answered right away and were coming in through a heavy swamp- couldn't see them yet but could hear peeping coming my way- they were close. With my 71 year old hearing--darned close -lol.
Suddenly heard a tractor behind me and looked up behind my rock wall spot and saw my Uncle ( he's old too- actually older) making a turn while brush hogging the field behind me.
Game over---
Oh well thats hunting-----
Just happy he and I are still out there doing what we do..
Hope ya did well Charlie-reports are getting few and far between around here.
2018/10/29 14:59:34
Just got back, left early as it was raining for day 3 straight.  Hooked some steel , some cohos, only landed  some white tipped kings. Wasn't on fire by any means, but had some good battles. People were very pleasant, no hassles at all. Steel are moving up river, salmon are getting very thin, carcasses everywhere.  The DEC fish checker said 6 out of 22 parties asked had registered steel, all large. The ones I hooked were 10+ and beasts.  It was a slow day on Sunday for people swinging in mid-river from those I talked to.  The lack of the dreaded cookie cutters may not be such a good sign.  The fish checker, who has been doing her job for a long time, said the DEC is concerned.  Tell you the  truth, I wish I could have got a nice 6-7 lb. fish that would have given me a chance to bring it to net.  Flesh flies with bunny and a  silicone green weenie were the  tickets  to the bullet train for me.  Maybe T-day  will be next  visit for me . I'm thinking I'll go during the day this year, I'm skipping the dinner part, I'll still be grateful to all the past ones.  
      It'll be interesting to see if some trout start filling in the void of the  salmon.  Boy, do I wish dearly I could have gone earlier. Every time  it was time to fish this year, I had a chain attached to me.   Glad those that went did well.  Thanks again to the reports from everyone, may all that go do well.
2018/10/29 15:20:53
When I was there a couple of weeks ago never knowingly hooked a Steel but saw many scooting by-cookies.
Also saw some 'caught' and they too were cookies.
Musta just been that particular pod that came busting through for a couple of hours on that day.
Glad to hear of bigger ones but understand the 'issue' if they are predominating the run this season.
Glad ya hooked a few Charlie- too bad about the rain.
Hey- also glad to hear of some Hos.
2018/10/29 15:46:07
Best sight of the trip- a strange disturbance in the water that turned out to be a half drowned weasel hauling  what might have been a trout- something around 18" that was close to the size of the weasel.  It hauled its catch into a  rock lair. I didn't think weasels ate fish, but on the SR, anything is possible.  The Tailwater expansion dropped my freakin jaw. Vail, Co. comes to  Bug Tussle, NY.  
2018/10/29 17:04:16
Best sight of the trip- a strange disturbance in the water that turned out to be a half drowned weasel hauling  what might have been a trout- something around 18" that was close to the size of the weasel.  It hauled its catch into a  rock lair. I didn't think weasels ate fish, but on the SR, anything is possible.  The Tailwater expansion dropped my freakin jaw. Vail, Co. comes to  Bug Tussle, NY.  

Someone told me there are two indoor pools in that expansion.Charlie did you offer to net the weasels catch?Maybe it was a small Otter?

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