2017/03/11 10:46:46
I gotta buy a birthday present for a very avid fisherperson who has just about everything they need. So, I'm thinking, why not a underwater camera that could be used year round. Budget will allow for $300.00 (or less).

In as much as it is hard to believe, I would entertain hearing (honest pro/con) advice and opinions from anybody having experience with using a underwater camera.

PS. In nine (9) days; Happy birthday to me.🎂

🎂<- Ummm (maybe a "few" more candles😩)
2017/03/11 10:58:14
I like the aquavu I bought this year. Even tho water clarity does limit it's use maybe if we had more of an ice season it would of proven more useful.
I doubt during open water it will see much boat time. Dirty water means zero visibility. May try it on Conneaut Lake to see what I can see.
Biggest problem with it is having to wrap the cord back up after deploying it.
2017/03/11 11:40:06
Thanks Dave, I'll bet your camera gets a bunch of use when you get your new rig in the water and the water does clear.

Problem is..... that stupid groundhog was right. Weather dude saying bunches of snow can be expected beginning Sunday night through Tuesday. Drat!
2017/03/11 11:52:49
Just wait ice in April!!
2017/03/11 13:08:42
That would be okay cause I could use my new camera and maybe the new power ice auger that's "been hanging" in the mancave. Stupid ice.
2017/03/13 09:10:50
You want a gopro.  Priced from a couple hunnert to all the millions.  And the real struggle is getting just the accessories you need... they make hundreds of them.  I think you can get a decent gopro and waterproof case in your price range.  Same kind of rig they use on Wicked Tuna, and every youtube video you've ever watched about fishing.  You can get a china-ese knockoff for ~$50 if you look around but the quality isn't even close.  
2017/03/13 09:24:39
Sam thankyou, never gave GoPro a thought. Will check out.

I'm planning a trip to Arthur in the Spring with a well known Crappy guide 😉 who has a special technique for anchoring a boat and flinging live [screaming] bait under bobbers. ☺

Never know, could open the door for me to become a famous 😒outdoor videotography.
2017/03/13 11:07:03
Mountian Man
Waterwolf nuff said...
2017/03/13 13:30:34
I had bought one at the flea market for $20.  It wasn't an aquaview and I don't remember the brand.  It worked as it was supposed to but the picture quality fishing in 10 foot of water where I wanted it for ice fishing wasn't that great.  Used it for about 5 minutes turned it off and sold it on ebay for $80.
For ice fishing in crystal clear water I think a camera could be an asset but that's about it.
One thing I would like to watch on one is a big school of Erie perch on a feeding spree during the summer months.
2017/03/13 14:11:34
Walleye jigs
Hey B.T., how long can you hold your breath and say cheese?

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