2016/08/23 09:13:29
Not sure how fuel treatment would help me.  That gas was HOURS old, and I cleaned that tank down to the nubbins over the winter.  Can't get cleaner/newer fuel.  The engine itself is acting just like it did last fall.  I looked into the low idle thing and from everything I've read the engine I have just sucks at low speed idle.  I suspect the low-speed jets are probably clogged a bit and I'm thinking of getting my carb guy after them.   
But I hear you on the fix.  Long term I have some things in mind, like ditching the 80 AND the 18 and getting a nice newer 60-90hp replacement.  And then getting a nice, slow, fat living room pontoon with a 20 for local fishing.  But this is pre- putting any real fishing hours on this boat.  So I'm hoping I get her out on Arthur and she fishes like a madman and I forget all about that nonsense.  
2016/08/23 12:00:56
Sooooooooooooooooo, yinz was at Shenango was yinz, welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll  OK for yinz!!!!
Geez I see the lake, according to the Facebook page, is 2 plus feet below normal summer pool.  Definitely must be cautious of things that might go bump in the water.
Congrats on christening of the "Zelie Sam" did ya bust it with a bottle of Boone's Farm during for the dedication?
I hear the boat dealer just off of Shenenago at Orangeville is good with repairs and/or may have a motor or two for sale  

Resele Marine Inc

Boat Dealer

Address: 8250 OH-609, Orangeville, OH 44453

Phone: (330) 772-7722
2016/08/23 12:09:18
BTDT it is low, but not super crazy fall low yet.  Plenty of room for zooming back and forth in the main lake a few times.  I'd have let you know but I didn't even take a rod with me.  :(  Only time for a test run.  Probably a boat load of crappy waiting to jump in my boat too.  
Probably should have launched at the main launch instead of Clark.  
2016/08/23 12:28:30
No launch sight that I am aware has a dock immediate to the ramps buddy, brilliant Huh?  Engineers my asz!!!
Maybe try giving Resele a call before your next trip and talk to him about that low speed sputter, might be worth the time.  I'd recommend the dude in Franklin but I think the one session you had was enough.  Haa ha, ummm I did warn you.......  didn't I?
I'll be checking Shenango real soon and I'll let you know wassup but not on this forum, you know me, I don't spot burn.
Keep up the good work on the "Zelie Sam", it's lookin good and you'll get those motor problems worked out.
FYI  check these connectors at Cabela's or do a little searching for a better price, you'll love the quick disconnects. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Auxiliary-Motor-Connector-Rods/700014.uts
2016/08/23 22:09:28
ZelieSam, the reason I recommend the StarTron is that it will help get those deposits out of the carbs. My guess is your carb guy is gonna find that nasty lookin' salve (from rotten fuel) in  those bowls and in the air bleeds, and the needles and seats, etc, in which case fuel level in the bowls can affect both high and low speed RPMs. Needles can actually be stuck in the crap and won't drop, preventing fuel from filling the bowl. Along with bein' a first class fuel cleaning agent, StarTron is also an excellent stabilizer. 
2016/08/24 09:06:34
I'd upgrade to a nice Yamaha or Honda
2016/08/24 09:40:35
EMitchZelieSam, the reason I recommend the StarTron is that it will help get those deposits out of the carbs.

Ah okay, I'm following you now.  Last fall I filled a new can of gas with enough seafoam to clean out anything, and I sprayed the crap out of the carbs with spray in carb cleaner.  I'm guessing that just like you said there is a mess internally.  But it can't hurt to run some additives through again... I'll look to pick some up.  
2016/08/24 21:25:56
I'm probably NOT telling you anything new, but since switching to only ethanol free fuel, have had virtually NO fuel issues.
Good luck with the boat--you really have done ALOT of work.
2016/08/24 22:40:11
About that... I headed for the Valero in Zelie to get zero ethanol gas.  And it was torn down, with a BP being put in.  *(@#&*(@&$*#@
Turns out that the BP still sells ethanol free gas, at least according to their sandwich board.  So next fill will be the real deal if I can help it.  Actually the next fill up will probably be in the marina in Manteo, but that will be the right stuff also.  
2016/08/25 10:13:22
Sam did ya get a chance to check the link for those motor connectors?  Once installed, merely slide a sleeve and and your kicker will be disconnected from the primary power house.  Reconnect with the same ease.  Tight lines and good times in Manteo.
PS.  Tried Shenango yesterday.........  stupid fish!

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