Last season i thought i could juggle fishing, making baits, full time job, time with my wife and new born baby girl, and hunting (rifle and archery). I managed to do well in all the areas but one, that was enough practice to be 100% comfortable with my bow. I practiced enough to be sure I was able to kill a deer but every archer knows when they hit their stride after enough practice every year, i didnt get to that point in my practice last year. Again I was no slouch with my bow, i wanted more practice...
So after alot of thought, and i didnt want to at first but a xbow seemed to be a good fit for my now very busy life. I will still have to practice, no short cuts, but I feel this will help me with my busy life to where I will have my head full of confidence with out the constant through out the season practice. Plus it will make second archery a little easier, and I might just give it more of my time (if im allowed)
Here she is my new toy, it wasnt easy getting my hands on her. It seems everyone wants this bow. When I ordered it, it was back ordered the rep from excalibur said there was over 4,000 (yes 4 thousand) people ahead of me waiting!!!!
Well I got her today, I have been a big fan of Excalibur xbow for a while. My father and wife each have one, a very good accurate no nonsence hunting bow. So when I seen this model hit the market it pushed me over the edge and I got in line.
I shot it a few times, and WOW. If you are in the market for xbow you really need to check out the new matrix lineup. I am very impressed, to say the least. This is a total game changer for me.
My Matrix 380 Black Out, I hope to fill a spring gobbler tag with her this year.