2024/12/03 19:21:41
No doubt wifey was likely pushing for the pardon since he was convicted.

This will be the icing on the crap cake of the corpse’s legacy. The old liar who claimed to be the “transition” president. Got too used to the power and completely lost touch with reality. Threw gasoline on an inflation ridden economy, then lied about how it was transitory. Sat on his hands as immigration was clearly getting out of hand and talked it down as nothing. He is 100% responsible for the orange clown getting back in. Which I honestly can’t say is a downgrade from Biden at this point. I hope Trump goes after the corpse and throws a cherry on top of that icing. The two will definitely duke it out for the worst presidents of this generation, possibly ever. With 4 more years of the clown, I’m sure he can wrap that title up. What a great time we live in for American politics.
2024/12/04 22:10:27
It's a bad look and certainly differs from the norm of most Presidents until ya know. 

But hey, that's life now. 
2024/12/05 10:48:18
It's a bad look and certainly differs from the norm of most Presidents until ya know. 

But hey, that's life now. 

Tears keep flowing...all I heard was Orange man was gonna pardon himself...my my my how the tables have turned. 
2024/12/05 21:07:07
What about all the Dingbats going after Trump that said,"No one is above the law, not even a President "!
What a joke
2024/12/05 22:13:54
What about all the Dingbats going after Trump that said,"No one is above the law, not even a President "!
What a joke

Well no one was - until the Supreme Court decided otherwise. 
Ole Joe is just using what he's given. 

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