With those at the very top paying less and less as a percentage, while making more and more, why is it always called socialism by many media outlets and politicians when anyone suggests they pay more? You know, like they did when America was great in the 50s & 60s?
You've made some very good points in the above post, Pork. I only highlighted part of it. I'll come out and tell ya that I am basically a conservative republican, but I do have a couple of Libertarian beliefs. Here's a bit of food for thought.
The law is that workers pay 6.2% of EARNED wages, (emphasis on EARNED),and the employer pays in the same 6.2% in your name and SSN. (Imagine if that was also going into your 401K along with your own contributions and the company match, if any. SSI yields about 01.5% on your investment). The problem is that SSI contributions DO NOT get charged against wages earned for every wage earner; in 2022 it stopped at $147,000, and in 2023 it will be $150,000. So why do those fortunate enough to make 200 grand, or 20 million a year get a free ride after the max contribution. They will get a max monthly check that is 3 times the average recipient. What would it do for SSI if a CEO making 5 mil per year, plus 20 mil in bonuses, (I consider a bonus as a wage too)? And an employer, (corporation) that can pay money like that in wages should also be able to contribute the same 6.2% on those monster figures because obviously, they can afford it.
Your thoughts?