Few days ago on way up to Pymy to work on his place he had to go to Ohio. Some guy passed away that made a lure similar to a Lazy Ike. Tim bought all his inventory plus 20,000 beer bobbers. Later that evening he bought a truck load of new Rapalas & Mepps spinners. Another guy passed away from Ellwood City that made Musky lures not long ago and he bought his inventory up also. Another guy passed away in Ohio that Made the Rattle SNAKIE lures (OHIO STATE Record Smallmouth) caught on a Snakie spoon so he bought everything involved with that outfit a few months ago.
His place near Wilson Launch is zoned for business and has 2 garages but online sales is the way to go these days.
He called me yesterday and said he just bought another boat with a Merc. 20 h.p. (only a couple hrs. on it) and a bunch of extras included with the sale. Told him it ain't going to my place in Slippery Rock. Well old lady called me and said "it's in the front yard"
And is out buying more more tackle.