2017/11/02 20:54:36
Mopars give her hell buddy.... the woman with the dogs I mean. lol

Doesn't sound like you're seeing much of silly season yet but you know, it's just around the corner.

Got my fingers crossed fir yinz.

Good luck & shoot to kill.
2017/11/02 21:53:53
Mopars give her hell buddy.... the woman with the dogs I mean. lol

Doesn't sound like you're seeing much of silly season yet but you know, it's just around the corner.

Got my fingers crossed fir yinz.

Good luck & shoot to kill.
. Yeah I would like to give that lady a piece of my mind .... lol. It did see 11 deer this afternoon .... the 3 doe being chased by coyote , the buck at dark , and 7 deer in the field leaving I know they don’t count but I did see them 😜👍
2017/11/02 22:19:16
It's OK buddy, we believe you saw something. Sitting long periods in a deer stand is like being alone on a desert. I think they're called a mirage. Lol.

I didn't say that, did I, stupid cabin fever.😒
2017/11/02 23:41:29
Pssssst Mopars Beaver Moon Sat. night. Keep that under your hat. Some say it will be a super moon. Boyz be coming out to swoon, real soon.

😣Dam cabin fever.......
2017/11/03 05:58:05
Well I decided to not hunt at home due to wind direction went to a spot I just call THE HILL got nightime vid of a impressive 10 pt there last week his g2 and g3s are about a foot long.Anyways got into ground blind made out of a huge fallen Beech tree before 3 around 330 a 6 pt appeared out of a blind spot close jus sniffing the ground strolling around suddenly he bolted he was upwind never looked my way so figured sumtin bigger spooked him and 5 minutes later a small 8pt came strutting up to about 40yds wasnt interested in him but gud to see.He had an attitude no other deer around but at one point he put his head down and ran into a brush pile busting through it and flicking his head up tossing branches I just enjoyed the show.No other deer seen on hill drove home and wife told me there were 2 deer in plot butting heads for 15 minutes right before dark.Hunting here in swamp today nnw winds are perfect.Its getting better see what happens...GOOD LUCK WCW
2017/11/03 06:42:01
Sounds like its starting to pick up for you guys 👍. Hopefully that big boy makes a mistake soon for you mopars and decides to come out a little too early. Rain here again this morning so I think I'm gonna go with the same game plan as yesterday and hope things work out a little more in my favor. Good luck out there!
2017/11/03 08:19:01
Big Tuna
Hunting Pa. yesterday afternoon in the suburbs of Pittsburgh. It can't get over the amount of highway traffic,screaming children,hammering people,and just ridiculous amount of noise,but the smell of grilling steak did make me hungry.lol My wife had a big juicy cheese burger,coleslaw,and slice garden tomatoes on my plate as I walked in lol So it eased the pain of my hunt. I wasn't in the woods 15 minutes when a young 7 pts walked in at 15 yards. He was so small that I needed binoculars to count that massive rack. lol He decided to look over at me,a couple of foot stomps and head bobs,one big leap,and a baby snort. He just turn and walked away. That was it,perfect evening and no more deer. It's been my toughest year without a doubt. Even last year with a quadruple bypass I smoke 3 deer.lol I'm getting old real fast. Should have gotten another beagle and hunted rabbits,advantages of rabbit hunting,plenty of walking,( good for the ticker) not a problem dragging them out,about a 100 day season,at least you get to shoot once in a while.lol  I did not hunt today it was raining this morning at 6:00 am. I took a good shower on Wednesday in Ohio an Pa. Rain,rain go away. Forecast look wet Sunday thru Tuesday wet. Good luck guys. I think I'm going to hunt Thunderpoles woods.lol
2017/11/03 08:26:38
Last evening sit in tree I saw two doe and one big Fisher. It was so dark furred it looked black. It came down a leaning cherry tree. It must have been just laying up in that tree because I was there for an hour before it came down. Kind of neat.
2017/11/03 10:51:39
Did not hunt last Friday, but stayed on the patio and drank beer with my wife instead. Saw a doe, fawn, and buck in the east neighbor’s field. He wasn’t interested in her, nor her him.

At 6:30, two adult does crossed from the west neighbor’s yard into ours. They eventually wondered off.

At 6;50, and it was getting darn dark, a huge buck came out of our woods on a path that leads to our treehouse. It was too dark to tell exactly what it was, but every time he moved his head, you could see the rack at about 200 yards against the sky.

Tuesday morning found me in the treehouse and my south neighbor again interrupting the hunt by cutting corn stalks (I figured out he was feeding them to some newly acquired pigs). I saw nothing.

I contacted a hunting body and told him that all buck photos last rut were in the creek bottom and none in the field edge. This year, it was just the opposite. He suggested I create a mock scrape near the treehouse.

Being a gun guy until now, I had never done that before. But I followed his instructions and did it before my Tuesday evening hunt.

Tuesday evening, I saw four deer, two doe and two unknown. None crossed the creek.

Thursday predawn was raining hard enough that the dogs would nit leave the kennel for their morning constitutional. I took that as smart and I didn’t go out either.

It was well light by the time I headed for the treehouse. In the corner of the east neighbor’s field, close to our boundary, was a buck that I’m pretty sure was this one.

At 9:00, the Mom and triplets, showed up and hung out for about 20 minutes. I had vowed to leave them alone and they finally wondered off. I gave it about 15 minutes and did a bleat and a grunt.

It wasn’t long before, I saw antlers in the woods behind the mock scrape. It did not come down the path. This meant the only opportunity was if it stepped in the mock scrape.

When it did, I had about .25 seconds to decide if it was the right buck (it was clearly legal). I decided I like venison bologna and loosed the bolt at 12 yards. I can’t say I saw the bolt in flight, but I heard it hit.

The buck ran behind the treehouse and jumped into the stream. It ran in the water for about 25 yards, blood pouring into the creek. It jumped on the opposite bank and headed down the farm road that ran the length of the corn field. At some point I lost sight of it and figured it went into the corn.

The bolt was firmly in the ground, right beyond the scrape. There was hair and blood in the scrape, and from what I saw pouring into the creek, I knew it wasn’t going far.

I headed home, dumped my gear, and drove the truck over to the neighbor’s. I parked right where the deer had exited the creek and there was blood all over the farm road.

I walked about 30 yards and there was the buck dead as a door nail right on the farm road where I had lost sight of it.

And it was the wrong buck. It was the younger brother (a year apart) of the one I thought it was, but it was a solid six and I’ll take that for a first quasi archery buck in my rookie season

My buddy who suggested the mock scrape said it was more about the process — scouting the deer, getting it to come to the mock scrape, calling it in, and bolting it in a brief time window.
2017/11/03 11:52:43
Walleye jigs
Congrats D! Now maybe some of the others will follow suit! Congrats again on a job well done!

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