The last farmer in the family is having HUGE deer problems in the Spring Summer and early fall on his crops so he has applied for deer management tags from the State- pretty much a done deal considering his large plots of veggies and corn have been decimated in the last couple of years.
He is allowed 3 hunters and has chosen me as one of them.
I have never shot a doe on this property and have taken some real shooters over time by being choosey.
He has called a couple times asking If I will really shoot does for him as they need culling- guess my rep for never shooting a doe there had got around lol.
Not that i dont take some doe- just not there.
Thats over no matter how ya figure it with the crop damage permits intended to take as many deer as possible .
Since the place is surrounded by NO properties there will always be deer but it wont be the same in regular season.
Gonna be different shooting anything that comes along in Spring Summer and early fall- but its gotta be done by someone, may as well be me lol.
No waste here on my part as I have found a guy who wants everything I shoot.