2020/12/20 16:09:54
Getting too old for some of this stuff- took a good fall on some sidewalk ice today- feel like a bumbling  idiot--again.
2020/12/27 20:25:40
hot tuna
I've not been much in the spirit of fun stuff for 2020. The Christmas past will be just that here and hoping for a better new year.

So a question. If your given a plastic belt to replace a 4 year old leather one that's stood the test of time daily, should you say thank you because it's the thought ?.. humm..
I try to put as much thought towards spending as possible.
Times were simpler back then..

Peace and tuna.

Hardwater soon..
2020/12/28 03:15:26
A gift is a gift and its the thought that counts- --appreciate it.
But keep the leather one too.
2020/12/28 17:12:55
hot tuna
Ok so I'm back to the JOB and over the Christmas blues.
Some fun stuff we did yesterday was rabbit hunting. There is a 4,000 acre tract by my house that I used to guide hunts on. Its perfect habitat and stocked with pheasants as well in October for youth hunting.
There was 1 truck in lot when we pulled in. The sounds of barking beagles made shoulders sigh. It wasn't long before we heard shots fired.
Us 2 walked over 10 miles through thick and thin seeing signs, hearing shots but never seen a rabbit. We didn't stand a chance against well trained dogs.
The group of 3 guys and 5 dogs ended up with 15 rabbits.
It was fun just getting out and my head back into the outdoors.

Today I did basically nothing but research a lot of weather, conditions and future outings for 2021. As with this year, things are going to be very little public interaction.
Concerts and going to a hotel or lodge is probably out.
With that research, I know for fact there is ice fishing to be had in ny right now.
My plan is to spend Friday and Saturday with a rod and reel in hand on hardwater.
Let's kick into 2021..
Peace and tuna
2021/01/01 09:59:26
Fella on another forum suggested as time goes on we enjoy every moment afield because ya never know when ya were  climbing into your last tree stand or  still hunting your last mountain.
As one who has given away all his tree stands and no longer hunts the hills and ridges I know what he meant.
Still enjoy sitting in my field blind 300 yards from the truck and have taken some that way but it aint the same.
Gotta keep going till they throw dirt on ya.
2021/01/01 12:45:23
Hey I gotta do this- personally I see the humor in it but I guess it pizzed off a lot of people.
When I was in the Navy we always had an anchor pool for every stop-ya would put money in a pool and whoever guessed the closest time to the actual dropping of the anchor in port won.
Sooo somebody in the Hartford Ct PD started a dead pool for the new year.
Put up your money and whoever guessed the closest street corner to the first murder of the new year would win.
It never got off the ground before the screaming started--  cops are being disciplined and complaints of loosing credibility with 'the community ' abound.
Nobody has a sense of humor anymore.
2021/01/01 14:30:26
Hey I gotta do this- personally I see the humor in it but I guess it pizzed off a lot of people.
When I was in the Navy we always had an anchor pool for every stop-ya would put money in a pool and whoever guessed the closest time to the actual dropping of the anchor in port won.
Sooo somebody in the Hartford Ct PD started a dead pool for the new year.
Put up your money and whoever guessed the closest street corner to the first murder of the new year would win.
It never got off the ground before the screaming started--  cops are being disciplined and complaints of loosing credibility with 'the community ' abound.
Nobody has a sense of humor anymore.

Gallows humor went hand in hand with my career in law enforcement.  Spend enough time on the streets and more often than not you witness tragedy.  Was the "dead pool" in poor taste?  Absolutely.  Unless you have walked a mile in the shoes of a law enforcement officer you can't possibly understand how levity makes it at times bearable. 
2021/01/01 15:04:37
I dont see a problem with it... if the community is upset maybe they should look at what they have allowed to devolve in their area to earn them the dubious honor of having a corner on the list instead of complaining about someone making the list.
2021/01/01 15:53:06
People in emergency services all have a bit of 'gallows humor' it makes the job more palatable.
Others dont get it.
Used to come home and tell the wife about comical stuff from work and she would just sit there and look at me.
2021/01/01 16:57:15
hot tuna
So far 2021 has proven to be promising.
Happy new dang year.


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