Ok so I'm back to the JOB and over the Christmas blues.
Some fun stuff we did yesterday was rabbit hunting. There is a 4,000 acre tract by my house that I used to guide hunts on. Its perfect habitat and stocked with pheasants as well in October for youth hunting.
There was 1 truck in lot when we pulled in. The sounds of barking beagles made shoulders sigh. It wasn't long before we heard shots fired.
Us 2 walked over 10 miles through thick and thin seeing signs, hearing shots but never seen a rabbit. We didn't stand a chance against well trained dogs.
The group of 3 guys and 5 dogs ended up with 15 rabbits.
It was fun just getting out and my head back into the outdoors.
Today I did basically nothing but research a lot of weather, conditions and future outings for 2021. As with this year, things are going to be very little public interaction.
Concerts and going to a hotel or lodge is probably out.
With that research, I know for fact there is ice fishing to be had in ny right now.
My plan is to spend Friday and Saturday with a rod and reel in hand on hardwater.
Let's kick into 2021..
Peace and tuna