Very nice fichy. I do like the coast at times and you've seemed to go it down for what you enjoy. The self contained camping scene really is the social distance the world is crazy about. We knew long ago but it's becoming more and more popular as the only means for some folks to spend their wealth in airstreams.
Strange how they ( big brother) try to restrict that from good folks.
As for SR.
My friends/ co workers had enough of the non friendly crowded kitchen.
They won't return until December. Worst they've witnessed this year. Of course low water was a factor but the circus with the rona was to much to bear.
They did say they would return to the jail water as they were well versed in sanitary conditions. It was worth the peace of mind, not like the old days of just a place to crash.
We have an end in sight to the projects I've taken on this summer. Move date is November 1st. First day of deer hunting for me is November 4th until November 30th. I'll be spending many hrs on the mountain and time away from home.
Let's hope it's a soft landing into winter.
Peace and tuna