2020/10/15 19:50:40
hot tuna
Very nice fichy. I do like the coast at times and you've seemed to go it down for what you enjoy. The self contained camping scene really is the social distance the world is crazy about. We knew long ago but it's becoming more and more popular as the only means for some folks to spend their wealth in airstreams.
Strange how they ( big brother) try to restrict that from good folks.

As for SR.
My friends/ co workers had enough of the non friendly crowded kitchen.
They won't return until December. Worst they've witnessed this year. Of course low water was a factor but the circus with the rona was to much to bear.
They did say they would return to the jail water as they were well versed in sanitary conditions. It was worth the peace of mind, not like the old days of just a place to crash.

We have an end in sight to the projects I've taken on this summer. Move date is November 1st. First day of deer hunting for me is November 4th until November 30th. I'll be spending many hrs on the mountain and time away from home.
Let's hope it's a soft landing into winter.
Peace and tuna
2020/10/16 09:45:52
Clint S
Spot sharing can cause  'issues'.
Knew a fella from Ct who had permission to goose hunt a farm in NY.
He took a friend once and on his next trip up to goose hunt the 'friend' was already set up in the same field with several of HIS friends.
Of course the 'friend and his friends' had no permission whatsoever and quite the confrontation immediately followed-- lol.
( ahhhh to be young and frisky again)
On another front- salmon photos last day or two looking kinda dark- also upper reports still poor despite all the EPIC talk down low.
Dont blame them as it hasnt been EPIC -imho- in a few years now and most of those guys likely werent around for the real BIG runs IMHO.

That is how hunting got shut down on my farm. One
guy has permission , next thing I know there are people who got permission from people who got permission.
I limit it now to 2 people a season and the guidelines are given and set in stone. No exception without permission.
2020/10/16 09:48:59
Clint S
On another note I drove by all the local haunts up north coming back from Henderson Harbor on Tuesday. No water anywhere and none dry up there. 2 more trophy fish were taken in a 32 inch walleye and a 43 inch pike. No other fish were really caught not even perch. I ended the day weekend with 3 small perch and countless goby. Good times good people
2020/10/16 21:51:21
hot tuna
So we been working really hard trying to get the move in place together. New sub and flooring installed and finished throughout.
Well we bring our dog Lukas over to check out the new pad and continue to do more work.
Don't you know, first thing he does is take a poop on the day old floor. Then decides to pizz on it. Mind you, he did those things prior to entering.
So is it a marking of territory or saying 2020 is a kick in my shins...
Fun stuff.


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2020/10/17 10:01:02
It means he likes it — a lot.

Male dogs pee on things they want to claim as their own. The poop on something to send an even stronger message.
2020/10/18 11:37:54
Enough got upriver, even in the low waters, for the annual egg harvest --good.
Like Charlie said- perhaps the LFZ will now open- good.
Kings seem to be turning black now with even the low end runners being black- Its likely about over for Kings.
More and more Steel in the reports so looking forward to EPIC reports---hmmmmm
2020/10/18 16:02:09
hot tuna
I've watched the dec video from hatchery. If they've got their quota, that's great but it dosen't look like days of the past. Lots of standing around with fewer fish then I remember.
2020/10/18 20:05:00
Lovin the latest BS voice mails-
One says my ss number is being used fraudulently so I am REQUIRED to call a certain number- ITS A RECORDED MESSAGE 
Another  gives a phone number twice and then says failure to call the number will result in an arrest warrant being made for me- It too is a RECORDED MESSAGE
Hope they send someone for me they dont want back------------
2020/10/18 22:12:39
Hope they send someone for me they dont want back------------

Too funny. Thanks man.
2020/10/19 16:49:53
Lovin the latest BS voice mails-
One says my ss number is being used fraudulently so I am REQUIRED to call a certain number- ITS A RECORDED MESSAGE 
Another  gives a phone number twice and then says failure to call the number will result in an arrest warrant being made for me- It too is a RECORDED MESSAGE
Hope they send someone for me they dont want back------------

A hole up in the vicinity of Castle Craig and a bag of lime should do the trick. 

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