Nice catch there Clint. A 3fer 🤗. Congrats to your boatman, that's a dandy 'eye. 👍
r3 congrats on that new vehicle, it sounds sweet.
DarDy 911 crash calls usually require air bag deployment or roll over. I'll bet the moron that asz ended you had air bag deployment.
I too dislike the tracking systems being forced on new vehicle buyers. I refuse to give my email address to a car salesman and they can take that XM Radio and put it, where the sun don't shine.
My newest vehicle was special ordered.... noooo mfg tracking, no navigation, and no XM. (free trial or not🌞)
I have my own cell signal booster, my own wifi and my trusty cell phone to do all the tracking and music playing I need. 🎃