Sooo- bought a new GMC Acadia AT4 -Love it- all the bells and whistles including free On Star for a month.
Well this AM wifey takes her new vehicle to a Golf Tournament a good distance outa town.
Half hour after she leaves I get a computor message from OnStar saying that she has only 14 pounds of air pressure in her left front tire,
As she is out on the highway and I call her immediately- she says there are no in car alerts about this as one would expect in a modern fully equipped vehicle as soon as she got to the venue she looked over the tires and said nothing looked outa the norm.
OK, now I gotta go check it out sooo- load the air tank into my truck and go the the parking lot at the far off Golf Course.
Get in the car after looking at 4 normal looking tires and check the computerized air pressure gage-
All is just fine- leave her a note and go back home and read the message gain.
Seems that along with the BS pressure alert there is a lot of BS about buying On Star permanently.
I will NEVER buy On Star and fully intend a nice conversation wit the dealership ASAP.
Inconvenienced- annoyed and alarmed at what seems to have been backhanded sales pitch