Kinda think that - even though NY is State restricting folks from many states from coming in W/O self quarantine, that many will just show up anyhow.
Folks in their 20s, 30s and even 40s believe- with some reliability- that they wont catch it and even if they do its not a big deal for them.
The big issue will be indoor dining and bars being open and weather or not the rooms will be available to the public for people who are not family when cohabitating in those rooms.
Around here ya cant even get a golf cart with a second person who you don't live with and indoor dining is just opening up with a small percentage allowed inside compared to the past.
Guess it will all come down to the States rules at the time and how well local business follows those rules.
Being in my mid 70s with issues this will likely keep me away this time around.
That and not knowing who had the room before me and not relying on some hotel keeper to have COMPLETLY disinfected between customers.
You could be very correct in your thoughts on the Govs actions and frankly he may be right. A photo or two of the Needle or town pool festivities could end the season real fast.