2020/06/17 09:31:55
Well- might not be on the SR this upcoming season-
After well over 30 consecutive seasons its not a happy thought-
even skipped a Steel run-
Too darned old for a one day death swoop-- not inclined to sleep on the ground anymore ( used to be a Scoutmaster and loved it)--Wont sleep in a room where ya don't know who was there last and don't trust cleaning procedures with Covis around--
don't mind fast food but wont go into a diner or bar because of Covis either.
Yea- with my age and general respiratory health am fearful of Covis--
Disclaimer- am 50/50 that I may well have had it already last Feb and have yet to get tested. 
If a test says I already had it -- FISH BEWARE--
Wishful thinking---
2020/06/21 21:01:00
 Hate to double post-'
Ny Gov Cuomo- you know, the nursing home hero- Now says he may be instituting a MANDATORY two week quarantine for people coming into Ny from other states.
Just when the Guides and folks by the river and lake were starting to make a living again----
Orrrr- a great excuse to stay longer------(if I only still had my place up there -lol)
2020/06/22 07:17:46
hot tuna
Well, Rhode island did just that for about 2 1/2 months.
I don't think Cuomo has any worries because he's the main reason people have been moving out of new York for years.
Thankfully I won't hear him spewing garbage on tv everyday at 11:30 anymore.
2020/06/23 21:25:53
Have a great trip Rich.
Hey- been watching lake reports and photos from around Selkirk and the Power Plant area ( can see them often in the background)
FAT FISH of several kinds seem commonplace
Hope the bait is back.
2020/06/26 20:24:20
hot tuna
3 grandkids, wife and my sister . I sure hope the truck will pull all the stuff they keep putting in the camper. My gosh can women bring stuff..
Someone is excited for some fun.


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2020/06/26 20:38:36

Now that smile will brighten any camping trip!  I hope the weather cooperates and gives you all a wonderful week of family fun and good fishing!
2020/06/26 20:59:15
Fantastic picture. I think grandpa is just as excited. 😊 Have a great time HT.
2020/06/26 21:03:22
hot tuna
Grandpa hopes there is an endless supply from the fountain of youth. Beer too, lol.
2020/06/28 15:14:29
hot tuna
Day 1 clamming. With 5 others on board it was a bit challenging. Low tide was 8am, we got there at 11am. I was basically digging solo but in rising waters . Fared about 3 dozen little necks and kept a dozen chowders. Threw a dozen chowders back.
By 2 pm the waters got deeper and everyone was ready to retire from sitting on shore/ playing in water.
I now have an idea how things will proceed with me getting up early and the family coming later. All good as everyone is having fun. Hopefully the weather holds. Expecting heavy t storms, high winds towards evening so we'll batten the hatches.
Thursday and Friday will be lobster day.
No pictures due to not having a inflatable raft to haul gear. Go figure, none available anywhere. Been trying for weeks to get 1.
2020/06/28 15:37:56
HT good luck clamming though you can have my share. I'm from Baltimore and I remember my parents and relatives loving them things. Just something I never aquired a taste for. Strangely enough, my two kids, born and raised in NW PA and never subjected to clams... love them things.

Lobster, however is a different story. Yummy [he said drooling]

Be safe in those storms, forecast for your area. Hopefully they fizzle out as they did for my neighborhood.

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