Not so fun stuff. The world has gone crazy and things are getting even worse. Members of my family are police officers and fathers of families of their own. I fear for their safety far more than covid 19 itself.
That said :
At 1am Tuesday morning we had an attempted home invasion at my house. Believe me, I will take no prisoners and will defend my property and family at all costs.
While we were sleeping we were awoken by a loud banging on our front door as dogs went nuts barking. My wife went to the door to find a mid 20's woman on the porch asking for help and trying to push her way into our house. The wife yelled for me and I ran to the door and kicked it closed then ran to the locker for our home protection equipment. As I returned this person was still trying to get inside the house saying her boyfriend beat her and she needed help. We offered to call the police and we saw no physical injuries but could tell she was intoxicated. We told her to wait in the yard and we would call for help.
As my wife was calling the authorities, our fire whistle went off and the woman ran away. While on the phone with authorities they said they heard the siren and asked if it was the police. My wife explained it was fire alarm the authorities said they had a report of a car accident on our street and police are responding.
As it turned out, this woman was partying with so called protestors and stolen a car then crashed it followed by leaving the scene.
She was caught and sent to jail.
We also found out she has a long criminal history.
Be safe folks. Keep your doors locked and your powder dry