Rich- cept for turkey I only hunt single shot guns.
Always gotta wait out the right shot.
Only use a pump for Turkey cause I aint gonna buy another gun.
I think small deer are the best eating and if ya want roasts that cut with a fork or real tender stew meat will take a small one over any other.
My rule- eaters are NEVER taken on the same property as a shooter. Shooters ( adult bucks mostly 3 1/2 plus) gotta be on a natural flow with as little interference as possible iMHO.
Love swamp donkeys and have taken many- it became a way of life seeking them -its WORK and scouting and prep for a lot more months than the season to chase and harvest those kinda deer regularly.
Buttt they eat HARD if not just ground up. Not knocking sausage and burger but like roasts and stew too.
Have most always processed myself- wayyyy back had it done a couple of times but wasn't happy.
Noise---in a tree and one I wanted walked past on the trail- no shot.
Landowner 100 yards down the hill started a skill saw while working on a shed. Deer walked right back on the trail and stood broadside watching him sawing.
SMACK went the arrow lol.