2019/11/27 12:49:39
hot tuna
Processing and cleanup complete. Thank goodness its done before the madhouse arrives tomorrow. I'm also very thankful to my son's and grandson for helping. Everyone contributed to their harvest from start to finish. I couldn't imagine doing this as a job or on the side. Chickens, pigs and fish I could handle but lean animals are tough.
In the end we did very well. Everyone went home with full coolers and happy faces.
Now I'm in the jerky process. I have about 20 lbs prime jerky to dehydrate.
My next real investment has to be a bigger commercial dehydrator that will hold 5 - 10 lbs at a time . Suggestions welcome ..
4 days left before I head back to the daily grind until my next adventures in February. Ice or steelhead but I will be giving my all for 9 days straight then. We really want to hit a few days at jailwater lodge. Wife, kids and grandchildren will love it too.
Of course I will update those intrested in jigging for Lakers. Traditionally, those deep waters start up around January 1.
I will be doing warm water species maybe next weekend.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Enjoy time with family, loved ones and friends.
I'm pretty thankful for everyday I get to spend in the out of doors


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2019/12/05 18:38:36
hot tuna
Just some fyi I should have spread earlier.
While buying things is fun stuff and I prefer to shop local small businesses . I'm no fool and do like the convenience of online and delivery to my door.
In last 4 years I've been working a warehouse retirement job , wasted talent, but it's what it is. I receive lots of deliveries everyday.
One thing of caution, now is NOT the time to shop online. The trucks are chock full and drivers are stressed. Your packages are not handled by any care at all and tossed all over the trucks to find .
If you order anything fragile or of size, it's most likely to be damaged.

Just saying
2019/12/06 07:29:12
I did the lion's share of my expenditure away from town this year, at Ted's on Main Street in Pulaski.  My wife wanted a certain Irish Rune pendant two years ago, and I could not find one anywhere around Rochester, 2 years looking. A friend who's wife had one said he got it for her at Ted's, so one day in early September, when I had quit the river for the AM, and was heading to the hill for the PM< I stopped, and sure enough I was able to get the pendant there.  He even passed on a savings that came to him from the supplier.  It is a very nice store, really friendly people, and I went back in October and got a chain to go with the pendant.
2019/12/13 11:26:24
Welll see in the news that 'massive troves' of UFO documents are now publicly available.
Seems some UFO believer has 'released' all of his files to the public.
Yikes- here 'they' come.
Makes me remember my early days on the PD when some drunk guy called repeatedly about the lights in the sky from the South end of town. He reported ufo's constantly and we  made out sighting reports.
The reports were knowingly tongue in cheek not just because the guy was a well know tipster of magic fluids but that the local airport was on the south end of town and night flights by planes with their lights flashing were commonplace.
But- hey--who knows.
Fondly recall the night a couple of us took a gullible Sgt outside and showed him the lights- he ran back in and called the Air Force- he was a believer too - we got called in and told off for that one- but they had a bit of a chuckle over it while admonishing us.
We all got a kick out of it till a couple of days later when the Air force guys showed up to interview the Sgt.--we hadda confess.
Some nights were quiet in those days and young guys find stuff to do.
Hey- they were real complaints and it was our 'duty to follow up without personal opinions or common sense getting involved.
2019/12/13 12:31:57
hot tuna
I remember all the UFO daze back in the late 70's early 80's. Maybe it was from the movie ET craze or maybe it was the dead tours.
But regardless, I find it very hard to believe that there are no other places in space that don't support another form of life
2019/12/13 12:35:10
Wasn't sayin there is an is't sayin there aint-  just sayin the folks who called us weren't- lol.
It IS huge out there---
2019/12/13 13:29:37
UFOs📡 and Martians👾.... ohhhh my...... all I want for Christmas is a big asz drone.🌠

Younz familiar with the silver tin flashlights which was marketed for kids back in the day?

One of them flashlights tied to a helium ballon or two made for some great conversation when released during a new moon, from remote hill tops.

Never heard of anyone being injured by falling flashlights 🤕 so maybe the dam things are still floating around in outer space.🛰

🎅From me and mine too you and yours, a very merry merry.🎄
2019/12/13 22:42:09
hot tuna
Rg, it's pretty funny because I never would have thought about UFO since 40 years ago until today.
Is this good or bad on our parts.
You brought it to my attention on this www site .
TV is now broadcasting it tonight which I rarely watch.
It may be a sign..
Turn off the news and build a garden instead of the alternative I've been doing
2019/12/15 20:09:14
hot tuna
This is fun stuff I used to do all the time with grandfather, dad and taught my son's. Been slacking and only did once with my nephew last year.
Going out with my boys and grandson next Saturday and Christmas eve.
All public land a mile from my house.


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2019/12/16 20:45:20
Great photo Rich-wow -THATS a pile of bunnies.
Been looking for the swamp donkey all season-he's too elusive so far--again -hunting him now the third season.
Took a shooter- not him- 2 years back second to last day.
Took a little spike with the bow early last year and a small flathead early this year-both on another property- then been passing all season--Waiting for HIM-
Been seeing his track bout twice a week on the farm  but it seems he has gone nocturnal again.
I know where he is during the day but its a nearby NO place.
He's there all Summer but when the landowner season starts early, and my cousins get busy, the deer always leave during the day to this other bedding area - sometimes until the last few days of muzzel-got till 12/31 this year.
2 of my last 3 shooters there were on the last day or two of the season in Muzzel.
Just kinda nice to know he is still around- gotta be 7, at least.

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