2019/10/30 20:17:35
hot tuna
Dive bar in Texas for a benefit concert Tuesday. Wish I was there. I've been to their shows, in that presence and close encounters at high prices of less than a 20 spot. It sure makes for good fun and beats the costs of rotation.
8 days and counting until they come to my front row in Connecticut
2019/10/30 20:59:22
hot tuna
What's pretty fun at my stage in life is that I've taken others along on incredible journeys in life. Seen so many smiles on kids , adults and grandchildren for fishing opportunities I've offered. Hunting that has put lifetime memories. Opening the eyes of the world in music seeing and meeting hall of fame artists also the local community music that give it their all. Growing and harvesting our daily meals.
My wife has been rock steady and after 35 years married is getting it more and more.
This is fun stuff.....
2019/11/02 07:54:01
hot tuna
26 degrees at 5am . Awesome sleeping in camper and feels just like home. In stand before light on opening day.
Fun stuff..


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2019/11/02 08:35:19
hot tuna
3 nice doe 15 yards in front. It's too early yet so they got a free pass


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2019/11/02 08:57:50
Last night you said you wanted to put some does on the ground.  Beware of ****ing off the deer gods. Lol  
2019/11/02 09:02:45
hot tuna
I got nothing but time. If that's the only deer I see then something is wrong.
They will come
2019/11/02 10:11:52
Passed a few last season Rich.
Never found what I wanted and went zip.
OK --had a lot of fun watching.
2019/11/03 19:11:52
hot tuna
I spent a little time on the mountain, I spent a little time on the hill.
We didn't harvest anything and it was an interesting adventure. Last night my son came in around 7pm. In a way, it felt like me and my dad. We played cards and hit the sack by 9pm.
In another way it felt like the times have changed.
Cell phones and modern weapons seemed to be a distraction of what once was.
I've been told many times not to fear change but I really do feel saddened by technology.
Next adventure is the last waltz in Connecticut on Friday, 5 days in the woods starting Saturday.

It was snowing pretty good when I left
2019/11/04 13:04:18
2019/11/04 13:27:41
Super cool Irish, I appreciate seeing the pic and vid.

Check the back tarsals and the neck looks swollen.

That boy appears ready to do some stump jumpin and dancin in the moonlight.

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