2019/09/03 17:42:44
fishermans post from DSR today is exciting-great fishing.
2019/09/04 18:23:28
hot tuna
This just popped up on our hunting camp new group page. Picture was of my son's deer last season. He did see a bigger 12 pt as did cameras.
I can say, we still have some very nice equal to, above and up incoming rack deer on this year's cameras.
I'm not an antler hunter, it's only about body size and meat available but I cherish the times my children get a deer of their lives and continue to improve

2017 bow deer ( little snow on ground)


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2019/09/04 18:44:46
2019/09/04 21:41:31
hot tuna
My son has become a good sportsman and teacher. His 7 year old son practicing today for the future. His favorite color is camouflage.


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2019/09/04 21:46:18
Young man shows good form at full draw. Also noted, no arm guard. In my book, a sign of confidence.
2019/09/05 10:49:55
hot tuna
Wife got us tickets last night. FRONT ROW CENTER 👍
Heading to Connecticut on November 8th and staying overnight.
Fun stuff


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2019/09/06 17:31:32
San Francisco  declared the NRA as terrorist organization a few days back and today California banned fur trapping statewide.
Our way of life is under siege in a way heretofore unimagined.
yea -its political and this is a fishing forum, but -it merits mention as a  way of life for generations is rapidly changing-IMHO.
2019/09/06 20:53:18
R3, it's always been the trend, as you know.....

What happens in California don't stay in California and "will" end up on the east coast.
2019/09/07 13:50:23
hot tuna
That's pretty nuts rg. Some places no matter how beautiful, I just couldn't stay if their laws and regulations effected me profoundly.

On places to stay, we took grandchildren 30 minutes from home camping at a first time location.
This certainly isn't deer camp. There are more people here than in my entire town.
Its super great for kids but we both agree, its not our type camping in a 20X 40 foot box.
Only thing desirable for me later is to see the bon fire and band later. I need a firepit like this at deer camp


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2019/09/07 22:09:18
hot tuna
No shortage of heat. Wish they would bring wood to my house


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