My first outdoor form of enjoyment is Deer Hunting.
As one gets along in time however things change and unfortunately so does the manner in which you enjoy your sports.
Instead of long still hunts into the woods I now keep much closer to a trail where I can easily drag, also I no longer climb trees and use ground blinds.
This clearly diminishes the numbers seen as ya aren't always going to the places you have found over time where 'they' hang out.
There is a reward for long sits however as I have taken 5 bucks in the past 5 years ( two one year and none last year).
Three were real nice shooters and 2 were lesser bucks.
Only because I put in a real lot of time on those secondary places.
Frankly it is nowhere near the fun as still hunting the ridges in far off places, but --hey-- ya gotta keep going till they throw dirt on ya.
Same for fishing- no more trecks into areas where few if anybody else goes- -turning into a 'near the bridge' guy.
Last season I knew where a real nice shooter hung out but it was just too deep for me to ever get him out should I have been so lucky to actually score. Sat on an area ( a LOT) where I thought he may come and go- he did--at night lol.