2019/01/16 15:56:10
Most urban dwellers could not care less about the conservation of deer, turkeys, or any other woodland critters. They just know that guns are scary, therefore hunters are scary.

During a recent poll of working (a job that includes actual press credentials, not bloggers or wanna bes) journalists, over 90% could not name someone they knew that owned a pick-up truck. How conservation minded (other than save the whales, snails, and bats they they are told are special), hunters, or gun owners do you think they know? Yet they will tell you what to think about conservation, hunting, and guns.
2019/01/16 16:53:06
hot tuna
So speaking of fun stuff, farmers and hunters.
My grandson William ( Willie) who is now almost 3 months old, was given the gifts of life. His other grandfather has ordered 2 apple trees, 5 raspberry plants and 12 strawberry plants for him.
This grandpa got him a lifetime sportsman license.

We love our outdoors here.
2019/01/16 18:06:44
edit -getting too political
Have real issues with people trying to change my lifestyle
2019/01/16 20:24:50
hot tuna
edit -getting too political
Have real issues with people trying to change my lifestyle

I have real issues with people that move into our county and try to change my lifestyle
2019/01/19 09:03:41
Ct is now proposing a 50% tax on ammo-- the attacks continue-------
Odd how the antis think- a bill that could easily limit hunting and shooting and a bill to drastically increase the tax on ammo.
Ahhhh -I see the light--if the first goes through the second will keep up the revenue from ammo sales.
Never let anything lower tax revenue lol.
2019/01/19 09:18:48
That’s almost as laughable as when Chicago proposed a 5 cents per round tax. The theory was that the money would be used for the medical bills if those shot in the city and the extra cost of ammo would be a huge deterrent to drive by shootings because of the amount of ammo typically used.
2019/01/19 12:18:05
Reality is that most of those 'street shooters' have no gun sense whatsoever.
Spray and pray.
Took a semi rifle from a drug dealer that had been oiled heavily with 10/40 and put in a closet collecting dust- could hardly work the action.
Took many revolvers with only a couple of rounds in them and then not even similar rounds.
Autos with only 2 or 3 rounds in the clip and filthy dirty.
Partner took a lever 30/30 from a guy laying in a field trying to get  .45 into the action pointing it my was as I approached without seeing him.
It goes on.
Yea -they are dangerous sub culture people but NOT proficient in guns.
2019/01/19 12:29:51
hot tuna
I'm not much of a target shooter , if I was then I'd be reloading my own.
Typically, a box of 20 30/06 lasts me 5 years. Typically, they cost 20 bucks.
Shotgun shells cost about the same.
A 5,000 tube of bbs are about the same.
My entire family each have more firearms than myself, all legally registered.
I don't know.. I'm an avid outdoorsman as are my family. None of which have had any issues with current regulations.
Personally, I think its hype
2019/01/19 12:35:08
Same here Rich- a box of shells for deer or Turkey lasts a long time.
2019/01/19 13:16:03
Since I gave up the hunt years ago I have n't bought any ammo lately,but I have plenty left over to use on a intruder to my domain.A 12 gauge pump is in my closet waiting for such a event.

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