2018/12/29 18:11:58
cwazy deers
2019/01/12 12:43:45
Read where Sika Deer are being seen on trail cams in Ny and the state wants them shot out over fears of disease spread to whitetail.
No seasons and not protected in any way from what I understood.
Go getum---
Although only one buck seems to have been seen a few times on trail cam it seems unlikely IMHO that only one would appear up in Oswego county all alone- with the only others in Ny I read of being enclosed in Southern Ny. unless its a lonely escaped pet.
2019/01/12 20:33:07
hot tuna
We've had fallow deer farms near my house.
Haven't seen any of them loose locally.
Sika deer are first I've heard of loose but just seen DEC says shoot on spot, probably a long island issue or pen hunts closer to border states
My freezer is starting to get thin so maybe I should look towards them now, lol.
Lots of opportunities right now, rabbits and small game before February and hardwater.
Please, please, pretty please, keep the snow away. All is good.
2019/01/12 21:43:25
hot tuna
How can it not be fun stuff when a fan of the man who stops by to pay tribute to the man, Willie Nelson.
Photo of Bob Seger and Lukas Nelson tonight. Only in Nashville, shucks.


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2019/01/13 09:49:04
Clint S
This is actually not too far from me. There actually is a fenced exotic hunt area fairly close to there and even though all their deer are ''accounted'' for I am guessing it came there.
2019/01/16 08:56:29
The fight never stops--
In Ct a couple of anti legislators are proposing a bill that will basically give the right to hunt or discharge a weapon to the towns and cities within their geographical areas
Although there is some question if this would even get out of committee it is , none the less, on some legislators agendas.
Imagine if each town or city could control ( actually abolish) hunting altogether.
This is a VERY liberal state so the outcome would be obvious in many places.
Actually the  precedent in Ct already exists as one city did it before modern times and the law still exists there.
2019/01/16 11:18:04
r3g3-there are a number of cities, towns and villages that do not allowing hunting of any kind in New York.  All the municipalities have to do is make application to the state to enact ordinances prohibiting hunting.   In recent years the deer herds have exploded and now politicians are scrambling to find ways to control the ever expanding population including but not limited to birth control measures.  They are spending hundreds of thousands dollars on said programs with poor results.  The bottom line, and they been told this on numerous occasions by state biologists, hunting is the best, most efficient, way to deal with the problem.  
2019/01/16 12:00:34
Being from Maryland (wasn't my fault😞) I find the story of the Sika Deer interesting.

Sika's (A/K/A; little brown elk) has inhabited the marshes of Maryland, for many many years, where there is different seasons of hunt such as, muzzle loader and archery.

Don't know why NY would be so concerned about the existence of the Sika Deer. They're soooo dammed cute. 😄😄
2019/01/16 14:04:26
Antis are really nuts ( and dangerous to each of us)  IMHO- they stop hunting and hire people to eliminate deer by sterilizing and or night shooting.
Spending big bucks of tax dollars instead of taking in hunting tag dollars.
Think they do the alternatives because we drooling  idiot one toothed 'deplorables' ENJOY hunting and they cant stand it.
Its Ok though because when they outlaw all hunting only outlaws will hunt.
They will then establish laws to minimize the punishment for we criminals and establish sanctuary areas for hunters to hunt in.
Then they will interfere whenever L/E comes after us and allow us to get away scott free using liberal judges.
 All conviction  appeals will go to the 9th circuit court and we will all be exonerated and get our guns returned.
 Orrrrr we will all buy crossbows and gillie suits and become modern 'poachers' and there aint no body out there who will even know we exist.
In the long run we wont have to deal with tag fees or seasons and can do what we want whenever we want and wherever we want.
OOps thats illegals and criminals
Oh yea-right- thats what we will be.
We ARE the last generation to do what we do the way we do it---sad.
2019/01/16 15:02:33
r3g3-what the anti's don't or can't understand is that through conservation efforts the whitetail deer is one of the greatest success stories. The wild turkey is another.  The whitetail populations were decimated at the turn of the twentieth century.  Were it not for sound practices and the sportsmen they may have become something to look at in the Museum of Natural History.  Some have finally come to understand the role the modern day hunter plays but not before damage to the ecosystem has already been done.  Over browsing by uncontrolled deer populations has resulted in a lack of secondary growth of under story and trees needed to protect the aquifer and other birds & animals.  Even the worst farmer knows to not have more animals than his land can support.

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