Raised quality English style Labs for years-Had some crossover dogs too whos parents were Show dogs with their master hunter certs as well. Also used to help a friend train his dogs for field trials-he was good at it and later became a trial judge himself. Did some of my own dogs too.
Soo- when a co worker years back started telling us how he was working with a Duck hunting friend training a Lab for hunting I was interested, we got weekly reports of what sounded like real great progress.
Monday after the start of Duck season was eagerly awaiting a report on their hunt.
My friend came in, and when asked said he had never been so embarrassed while hunting.
Seems they setup in the dark on a marsh and some other folks set up a couple of hundred yards from them-OK that happens.
Story went that the other guys were in the right slot and had all the action.
The embarrassing part was that whenever the other guys shot -the new dog bolted from the blind -swam out into the decoys and did a great decoy return to its master.
Seems this went on for a few hours lol.