2018/10/19 12:29:23
On Tuesday in the afternoon a guy who looked like 'Joe Orvis'- all the fancy new gear and nice fly rig came across the river dragging a King.
As he passed me I looked at the fish and had to turn from the guy to suppress a laugh.
It was a ZOMBIE-about 1/3 white and the belly had big red areas where the skin was completely gone.
This pro was actually taking the fish home with him. 
To mount??
To eat himself ???
To feed his family ???
Have seen partly white fish dragged out before -but NOTHING this far gone.

 Only fish he hooked in the mouth.
2018/10/19 20:03:13
Say, I ain't never been likened to "Joe Orvis" before, Thanks!!  Sorry about the fish, I thought that's how they were suppose to look.  Well at least after reading your page, I now know it was a King.  Thanks again.
... of course yinz know that wasn't me cause I can't catch stupid fish in a bait bucket, even if it is half dead but it sure would have been fun, to be there and see the look on your face r3.
Good times and tight lines.
2018/10/21 07:38:50
I noted quite a bit of spawning in the DSR.  Not sure if it was more than prior years.  But I do think quite a few fish don't leave DSR property.
2018/10/22 08:31:58
Not so much spawn activity was seen happening in upper river- saw a couple on beds and VERY few deads. With a lot of 'resident' fish hanging around and going up and down kinda think they are just about to get busy.
Males were chasing each other and getting territorial.
2018/10/22 10:10:05
Lots of deads and reds in the stretch between school house and barrel
Not much happening at pineville
Hatchery is loaded
2018/10/22 10:29:03
I didn't get that high Bear but am really glad to hear they are up there doing their thing. Considering the percentage of natural fish in the system a good spawn is a good thing.
From what I saw , would think they are more active now where I was last week.
2018/10/22 11:50:12
Yes sir
Its so fun to watch them carry on. 
If activity indicated production, we would have a banner year coming when these eggs come back as adults.
2018/10/22 14:42:18
BB I met a nice guy who stays ay HC. Can't remember his name but we had a nice talk. Driving the red dodge. 
2018/10/23 07:24:04
Dave he mentioned someone stopping in, but didn't remember your name :)
2018/10/27 09:49:34
Raised quality English style Labs for years-Had some crossover dogs too whos parents were Show dogs with their master hunter certs as well. Also used to help a friend train his dogs for field trials-he was good at it and later became a trial judge himself. Did some of my own dogs too.
Soo- when a co worker years back started telling us how he was working with a Duck hunting friend training a Lab for hunting I was interested, we got weekly reports of what sounded like real great progress.
Monday after the start of Duck season was eagerly awaiting a report on their hunt.
My friend came in, and when asked said he had never been so embarrassed while hunting.
Seems they setup in the dark on a marsh and some other folks set up a couple of hundred yards from them-OK that happens.
Story went that the other guys were in the right slot and had all the action.
The embarrassing part was that whenever the other guys shot -the new dog bolted from the blind -swam out into the decoys and did a great decoy return to its master.
Seems this went on for a few hours lol.

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