I don't know about weights, but it does have chains.
Jack, you might talk to a few plow guys and see if they will plow a little slower and with the feet removed or set so the cutting edge actually hits the pavement consistently. In a big storm they will have to plow twice . If I was doing it by contract, I ate the cost, as I usually had it figured in, if by the storm, they may charge almost double. That's a pretty long driveway . The bill gets pretty hefty by the end of the year. Maybe you can find a caretaking business or a handyman/laborer that you could pay by the hour to run your machine. I've heard that those Hondas are very good. I had a customer in Manchester, Vt. ,in the snow belt , that used a John Deere 20 hp garden tractor with a blower on it for a large driveway. I swapped the mowing deck out every Spring and Fall for him when he got a little too frail to wrestle with it. My neighbor uses a Kubota of the same size. Neither have a cab, but you can get those, too. HT mentioned loving the set up like that his family had. The largest walk behinds I've ever seen are Graveleys. They work well, but the new ones are very expensive , near what you'd pay for a garden tractor.
Sick as I am, I still tolerate the cold well and can walk a good distance. That will change, God knows when.
Screw piling snow, I want to go catch a steelhead.