2021/01/09 18:51:49
hot tuna
Good to know about the snow/weather Clint. There is little left in the adirondacks from the big dump we had. The ice is formed up there very well except on the super lakes. There's plenty others and ATV's are on them as well.
Today we fished on 11".

As for a vaccine. I'd love to have it available to my family. My sister's health is our concern if she were to get covid.
Personally, I think nys is wasting things as usual, but that's a different story.
Be well everyone
2021/01/09 19:13:48
hot tuna
Good to know about the snow/weather Clint. There is little left in the adirondacks from the big dump we had. The ice is formed up there very well except on the super lakes. There's plenty others and ATV's are on them as well.
Today we fished on 11".

As for a vaccine. I'd love to have it available to my family. My sister's health is our concern if she were to get covid. My wife is 100 % eligible by state mandates. Problem is , even with 4 major hospitals that have the vaccine, none have openings available until the end of January. They are sitting on it .
Personally, I think nys is wasting things as usual, but that's a different story.
Be well everyone
2021/01/09 19:57:45
I think that I would first get an antibody test before considering receiving the vaccine.
2021/01/10 10:09:16
Clint S
Not that I am an expert, but having covid and testing positive for antibodies does not guarantee protection, just shows you had it. I know of quite a few people who tested positive for antibodies and had a positive test months later. The vaccine works with , but a little different than natural antibodies. The CDC recommends vaccination even with positive antibody test.
2021/01/11 17:31:45
hot tuna
So on this off topic, our emperor of this state is saying 14 weeks for those eligible. Absolutely ridiculous. They are holding and tossing vaccines away. That's a fact Jack..
His only priority is to cry poverty for a bailout and to start selling weed for income.
What better way to get cash then to sell recreational drugs.
My take, I'm a farmer and won't pay a dime more then I have to, to the state of new York then they force me while he is in office.

Other news,
The weather remains stable which is good. No snow, little winds.
I think that's going to change after this week.
Nice getting on ice without trudging through snow
2021/01/11 18:08:05
The plan was for the Feds to get the meds to the states and the governors were to distribute within their states- after all who knows the states better.
I just cant figure out why they havent all adapted the same people and places they have done for years with Flu vaccine along with other venues.
Thinking its kind of a cluster--- here in Ct too.
2021/01/11 21:06:04
Clint S
Trev one the issues is the vaccine must be kept extremely cold and many place do have the facilities to store it. The other is sheer numbers and not wanting 100s of people waiting. Most pharma do not have the ability to schedule appointments or the physical space to . handle the numbers
2021/01/11 21:30:30
hot tuna
So ny got over 6 million doses in past 4 weeks. Administered less than 1/2. Tossing 10 of thousands in the garbage because of an expiration/ storage issue.
The wolf leading sheep.
2021/01/11 22:37:42
Clint S
Not to get political but most living outside the cities know what the issue is. Much was wasted due to the ridiculous constraints placed on distribution. In many cases hospital workers working from home were given shots before cops and first responders due to technicalities on who was " allowed " to get it. It was either give it to them or it goes to waste and they would not be given more.
2021/01/12 07:38:08
Meanwhile, thousands of productive immuno-compromised people like me have to live in fear because it will be months before we are gotten to. If I go anywhere, most people have now decided to not wear masks and socially distance , as if it's over.  The same thing for New York's ridiculous medical marijuana program. Cuomo made it prohibitively hard to use. He's also blocked its recreational legalization. Those that experience chronic pain, nausea and other debilitations could benefit from it. If  I have to put up with stoners, then I should be able to benefit from some tax relief.  I  HATE the people that  grew pot and made tons of tax free money.  Now that Mass, Vt, and NJ have all moved into legalization, NY is forced to make a move. Here's a funny deer camp story:
    My best friend lives on a large family farm that has been in his wife's family for a century.
As it is in a heavily planted lush valley, there is a large deer herd that thrives  on the corn and alfalfa grown as cow feed. The family has a deer camp built high on a mountain that is part of the Taconic range,  near the end of the  Appalachian ridge. It's a cool place that we've gone to many times not in deer season.
     A month or so ago, there was a large contingent of family and friends that converged on the camp, as they do every year. Now, Vermont has legalized  the growing of marijuana for personal consumption with limitations. A family friend and neighbor, who is pretty well off and  successful in the insurance game, decided to grow one plant. Pretty bright guy, so he follows some instruction and  grows a very happy and healthy plant along the lines of a Christmas  Tree. It also was very heavy in  cannabinoids, the psychoactive component that makes it such a valuable commodity. 
    All the family and their friends are die hard conservatives, except for one black sheep who wasn't invited. A few of these guys may have smoked a joint or two in high school or college, but  the camp is for serious hunting  (eating, too) and these fellows don't even drink much.
So Mr. Insurance, a gourmet cook, decides to make a large batch of  fancy cookies that he throws some of his Christmas Tree into.  He brings it to camp, but has the foresight to put it in a cabinet. They leave a note for my friend who is working at his command post in Northern Vt. and can't get there til late in the day of the camp meeting. It tells him where most have gone to hunt, so he has a choice of direction to go, and for him to eat anything he wants. He is starving, so he takes out some things and starts to chow down.  After a sandwich, he opens the cookie bag he's found in the cabinet  , but sees a few suspicious flakes . They haven't made him a General for nothing ,so he snickers and puts it back. He goes out to hunt. When he gets back to the camp via  headlamp, the cookies are out and a number of hunters are commenting how good they are.  Mr. Insurance comes in,  sees what's happening and laughs. He informs them what they are and eats one, himself.  I'll leave the rest to imagination as a bunch of guys in their 60's  , who haven't  done more than a prescribed med or pain killer since the 70's, get just a little.....silly.  My friend  went home to sleep that night, as he  could only tolerate it for so long.  As this stuff gets  more prevalent in society,  you may have to be a little more careful around the Christmas cookies. Fruit cake, anyone?

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