2020/08/05 08:31:16
Guess I just live in the right spot-
bout 5 yrs ago there was  huge downburst that resulted in very heavy damage to  part of our town just to my North and my place had nothing whatsoever.
3 yrs ago the tornado missed me by about 800 yards to my South- that too caused VERY  bad damage to many.
Yesterday - although I had a few limbs drop and a lot of leaves I essentially had no damage-
now this AM read that hundreds of thousands in Ct are without power and suffered heavy damage.
2020/08/05 19:38:59
Clint S
We got around 2 inches I guess. Stuff has grown overnight. First ear of corn was good enough to eat raw , but not quite done. Cabbage , eggplant, broccoli all good. Second run of beans soon. Taters seem to be doing well and the bugs aren't too bad.
2020/08/07 10:06:53
I'm back on line with power and internet after being without for over 60 hours.  Many in the mid Hudson region and east into CT are still without power.  Thankful for the Generac 22KW standby generator we installed nearly two years ago. 
2020/08/09 11:30:20
5 days since the storm and still 165,000 people out of power here in ct.
They say MOST will have it back by Tuesday.
Everyone running around chasing who to blame.
My 2 cents--
I live in a town with Ct cheapest power rates and its own power co. no problems with long term outage.
Reason - Tree trimming on a regular basis.
In the town where I lived and was in politics every time ya wanted to cut a tree all the huggers showed up and complained to the point of LONGGG periods and hearings before said trimming, if at all.
Cant have it both ways.
2020/08/16 10:31:41
OK - no measurable rain in weeks- temps generally in the low 90's with a breeze- everything is dried out and dead.
Soooo today its supposed to RAIN- GRREAT.
Wellll we got a slight little drizzel for bout a half hour - not enough to even wet under shrubs and flowers.
Hmmm the radar had shown a great long ball of nice green rain coming--back to the putor to see whats up.
Radar shows the nice green ran has split with heavy rain just to my North and heavy rain just to my South and a line of nothing a couple of miles wide in between.
This open no rain area goes on  many miles with some rain at the tail end--
We will see,
Most all my apples have fallen all dried out and small- my neighbors grapes in his vineyard are tiny and drying out  on the vine- leaves are dried and falling off shrubs and small trees.
Only good thing is hardly no bugs or mosquitos.
2020/08/16 12:09:34
hot tuna
We've got rain every night except the past 3. Its grey and low humidity out today and evenings are cooling down. Our streams are extremely low but it seems the ground is finally holding moisture. I'd say we are surely on the backside of summer. I'll take that as long as the chilly winds of winter don't blow to soon. Give me lows of high 20' and highs of mid 30's with 3" snow starting first week
Of November and I'll be happy.
After Thanksgiving, heck could freeze over and I'll be in a heated shanty on ice.
Since 2020 started in the dumpster, let's hope it goes out on top.

Tons work today with sheetrock.
2020/08/16 16:18:56
It rained - nice slow soaking ,likey not an inch but
rain at last.-
2020/08/17 10:27:33
OK-- neighbors gage says a hair under 3/10 of an inch-Better than nothing  but likely Wednesday will be watering again.
That makes just over a half inch for about 5 weeks of temps in the high 80s and 90s with very little rain prior to that.
My strawberries are alive only because of heavy occasional watering--- neighbors all dried up and are gone.
2020/08/17 17:00:05
hot tuna
Ok, now we are on day 5 without rain. Just set up the sprinklers for the garden.
Not seeing anything on radar in terms of percipation this week. It seems temperatures and humidity will be lower which is good.

Since we now have to eat dinner early ( by 6pm ) I gotta run. It really messes up my routine of working till dark and eating later but such is life.
2020/08/17 18:39:53
hot tuna
Its pouring out. 👍


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