OK - no measurable rain in weeks- temps generally in the low 90's with a breeze- everything is dried out and dead.
Soooo today its supposed to RAIN- GRREAT.
Wellll we got a slight little drizzel for bout a half hour - not enough to even wet under shrubs and flowers.
Hmmm the radar had shown a great long ball of nice green rain coming--back to the putor to see whats up.
Radar shows the nice green ran has split with heavy rain just to my North and heavy rain just to my South and a line of nothing a couple of miles wide in between.
This open no rain area goes on many miles with some rain at the tail end--
We will see,
Most all my apples have fallen all dried out and small- my neighbors grapes in his vineyard are tiny and drying out on the vine- leaves are dried and falling off shrubs and small trees.
Only good thing is hardly no bugs or mosquitos.