Was out letting the Pointers run for their morning constitutional on Saturday morning when I heard Canada geese overhead. This isn’t very unusual because they travel close by; use the neighbor’s pond; and there is a federal wetland within a mile. Some are locals, others migraters.
What was odd on Saturday was as the dozen or so (that seems to be about the maximum that flock together around here) climbed to the top of the ridge to the north, they ran right smack into a huge flock of other geese — probably over 100 in number that just popped over the ridge at the same altitude.
The huge flock seemed to really confused by this and started to break into small balls of birds (not unlike bait balls of baitfish), until the V of Canada geese turned another direction, then they reformed, but in a mass and not a V.
It was difficult to tell at the distance and altitude (and with all the honking the Canada were doing), but I think they might have been snow geese (I’m no waterfowl guy, but know enough to be dangerous). If they were indeed snows, that is way early, as they don’t typically pass through my area until mid March.
Maybe an early spring is on its way. I guess only the rodent knows for sure and he isn’t saying anything for about a week.