Yes, this was NOT a Lake effecter, more of a Nor'easter. The Eastern Seaboard and inland to HT's area, got hammered, and even more so north of there into the 'daks, while the amounts dissipated as you go west. Here in Rochester we had about 6", but it was even heavier than the 10" we got a couple of weeks ago. As HT says the bottom was sitting on unfrozen ground, and there was rain to pre cede the snow, so the bottom couple of inches was just like lead, and turned to ice as soon as night fell if it was not removed. My plow guy has had some problems with his truck, so I got out and effectively shoveled the driveway twice as I took one cut about 4" down, the picked up the bottom 2". I also did a lot of it with a small coal shovel, so what should have taken about an hour took 4 with all the doctor mandated breaks. And my back was beyond the reach of ibuprofen yesterday.
The wood ashes work great, but you have to really watch the shoes coming into the house. But after this past fall, my kitchen is getting in industrial strength mopping later today, or tomorrow, whatever my gimpy back will allow!
So when was Indian Summer supposed to arrive this year?