We are getting our second gully washer storm now today. While temps were only about 80 , the humidity was dreadful all day.
The big difference in this year's summer from last year's has been the gully washer storms.
It seemed like last year they started everyday in early July and just never ended.
This year they've been much infrequent.
Its actually been perfect for my garden. A quick rainstorm every 3 or 4 days means no manual watering.
With this deluge and lack of jars, I decided to bag and freeze this remaining batch of sauce. Another 10 quarts. This run yielded the most. At 69 quarts so far I'm going to focus now on salsa. As always, every single ingredient comes from the garden.
I did get some pickin before the storm and currently have 2 full boxes ready. By Friday probably another 2 boxes and process on Sunday.
Very shortly it will be apple season and we will start the applesauce program.
The Ontario region just has to be loaded with staging salmon right about now.