2019/02/19 10:28:18
Dadburn temperature took a dive here too...  rain and 68 today.
2019/02/19 20:34:15
Clint S
- 6 here this am
2019/02/20 07:18:14
We are to get 6” of snow with mixed on top of that. There is about 4” already covered in glaze ice from the last round. It is impossible to walk on.

At least the new stuff might break the fall from the ice underneath.

I have to be very careful letting the dogs out because it is too easy for them to slip and tear a ligament. Bet there are some deer down with split pelvis from the ice.
2019/02/20 11:41:32
hot tuna
Well, the plan was to fish till you puke.
Sadly the figurative speech turned into reality.
I got real sick about 8am yesterday. Nothing like trying to set up and fish with the flu in -6 temperatures.
I stuck it out until 3 PM then couldn't take no more vomiting , sweating and shivering.
Spent the rest of day in bed until 8am this morning and packed up for home.
Caught some Lakers but it was one of the toughest days I've experienced.

Huge winds tomorrow so I will probably just rest up in bed and hopefully salvage the vacation on ice Friday-Sunday
2019/02/20 12:00:45
Sorry bout that Rich- perhaps a mixed blessing having missed it on  the SR.
2019/02/21 10:41:49
Well we got our weekly slop storm yesterday,only 3-4 inches of snow then freezing rain.Got out there and blew off the snow before the rain came,now I'm waiting for the Sun to melt the ice so I can get out of here.Looking at the ten day forecast indicates some mild temps and rain Hope this is the beginning of the end to this winter!
2019/02/21 11:19:07
pafisher I'm with you on, C'Mon Spring.  I got my fingers crossed  Punxsutawney (thank goodness for spell check) Phil get's it right.
Good times and tight lines.
2019/02/21 13:36:15
Sun is doing its thing,the ice on my driveway is gone!May hit 50 this afternoon.....yipeeee!
2019/03/03 20:36:08
Clint S
Big LE coming, who knows who will get it, lets hope its not me.  The event is supposed to last three days, hooray.
2019/03/04 08:15:33
hot tuna
About 4" heavy wet snow at my house overnight.

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