2019/01/31 10:48:56
hot tuna
-13 at 5:30 am at my house this morning.
My son's furnace crapped out at 2am.

It was actually warmer in the north county ( schroon lake at -6
2019/02/01 11:57:47
hot tuna
For some reason my thermometer read colder this morning . -15


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2019/02/01 18:54:26
Clint S
Well we did not get 1 inch from the LE event where I live. It did dip down to rt 104 today and Pulaski got a quick blast of snow. Hitting Oneida Sunday, chores tomorrow. Heard there is a game or something on Sunday, but who knows.......
2019/02/02 10:57:31
hot tuna
Again-15 when I hit the ice at 6:30 am on schroon lake.
It took a lot of fortitude to get things set up Nd working properly. My hole inside the shanty was steaming.
Sun is out and wind is low.
Not bad but fishing is slow.
Only 1 laker found
2019/02/09 18:30:17
hot tuna
Dodged falling trees and some limbs pelted my truck on this windy day. Temperatures dropped and mud has frozen.
Systems go tomorrow on a calm 15 degrees winter morning to pillage panfish.
I will be heading to tailwater lodge next Tuesday morning till Thursday afternoon 19-21. To cast a line in those icy waters.
Stop in and say hello if you wish
2019/02/09 18:34:16
Good luck on the SR Rich.
If I still had my place I would be there too
Feb was often  good time for a pull or two.
2019/02/09 20:14:38
hot tuna
For many years wife and I would spend Daytona 500 weekend in Oswego .
I've seen lots of things at that time from surfers on the lake to fantastic good live music times at steamers. I always seem to run into real people that have been here before.
This will be another adventure. Did it last February at same place, same time and was pleased. Hence a return customer.
2019/02/09 20:30:54
A lot of us wondered how it would be with that place fishing and such- have heard all good reports from inside the place and have found that public fishing from the far side is not an issue.
2019/02/09 20:49:14
hot tuna
Its really a top notch hotel. I don't mind splitting $120 a night with having everything well kept and right on site.
Fly shop and tying station, good food 24/7 , game room , brewery, live music, all your fishing gear has a place not in your room, never have to drive from room if you choose.
They were building an expansion of exercise room , sauna, hot tubs and indoor pool last year I was there. I'm sure its completed now.
It's a home run for me.

With the amount of traffic they get from snowmobiles, fishers 8 months a year, it seems they are doing well.
I would have never thought, but pleasantly pleased
2019/02/10 16:52:21
Real home run for Altmar.

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