Was in a big box right after retirement bout 10 yrs ago looking for some Blue and Striper gear. All they had were the garden variety stuff that 12 year old kids are attracted to. In order to pick out the gear necessary ya hadda go through the whole department inventory and then it wasnt all there.
Store manager happened by and asked how the shopping was going- I told her and advised that 'fishermen' who will keep coming back do not return because their gear is not New England oriented
. Why come here when ya gotta go to a real tackle shop anyhow to get the job done. It was a nice polite realistic conversation. She then started asking personal questions and ended up offering me a manager job in the Dept on the spot.
I actually considered it and declined. She DID offer inventory control which I thought was unique for those places. Seems they all have some non outdoor fella someplace buying for the whole chain- to their detrement.