well with the 22' wide by 8' high material blade on that 9, not only would I trench it out but leveling that sucker would be a piece of cake..
Now I'm hoping someone can answer my ice out question..
Speaking of ice & weather ,my fishin buddy is on LG now. About 1' of fresh snow and 10" of black ice..Is it Friday yet ???
Last Call...
Unrelated somewhat, topic. Figured this puter out today , ugh..
seems it's just plain tired.. That buzzing noise, well poor maintenance.. The fans were full of dust and gosh knows what else but that is all gone and so is the buzz..
The real issue is the processor and THOUSANDS upon thousands of file transfers that been coming through over it;s life.. I'm still using the orig, windblows xp.. The 98 was a good soldier in it's day too.
So my remedy is to start up the new system I have and try to baby the old one for only putting stuff on the i-pod.. 12,823 tunes and only 27,168 more to upload before the next one :)
Time to run the tractor now, at least it has heat and plug-in for the Tunes :)