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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 18:19:36
Haven't been in the woods this week, but things seem to be heating up around my area rut wise. Saw the two fawns that were with the doe I passed on the day I shot my buck all by their lonesome in the field Monday leaving for work. Must have gotten the boot from mama. Checked the cam today numerous pictures of doe traveling by, only to be tailed by a decent 8pt not too long after. Few pics of bucks showing up cruising around noon. Good luck to you guys still looking to arrow one. Planning on being out Friday morning looking to add a doe to the freezer. Just for fun and to get the blood pumping ill share a pic my buddy sent to me. He moved to Wisconsin this year. Pic of the buck his girlfriends nephew got Monday night. I might crap myself if I ever saw one like this come thru my neck of the woods.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 20:16:37
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 21:32:56
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 21:38:27
Sat all day yesterday seeing a spike, one of the same six points as last week, a smaller 8 pt and 3 Doe. Last deer was at about 11:30 so it was a long afternoon. After hunting hard the last four days, decided to wait out the rain today and got in stand around 2 pm. Little after 3, I spot movement to my left, it's an 8 pt making his way to a scrape about 40 yds away. He hits the scrape and starts back the way he came, couple grunts from the buck roar, he does a 180 and comes right in and works his way to about 20 yds away and stops behind the only tree in the woods with all of it's leaves still. He stood there for a few minutes looking for whomever was grunting, he finally comes into an opening quartered away and I let an arrow fly. The shot was a little back but with the angle of the shot and with the deer running quickly head down and tail down and twitching, I was confident the deer wasn't going far. Gave it an hour and found him laying about 90 yds away.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 22:22:36
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 22:59:30
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/05 23:18:49
Moses I know you've probably heard this but, Nice deer. CONGRATULATIONS. 👍
I enjoyed the hunt.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 04:48:26
Congrats Moses. Love it when everything works out
Big Tuna
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 04:59:25
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 06:43:34
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 07:12:02
There is nothing remotely resembling what all y’all are describing as rut activity going on around here — in person or pictures.
Three or more weeks ago, it was typical to pull camera cards and see 5-7 different bucks on each camera in a 10-14 day time frame. Since then, maybe 3-5 total bucks on all cameras — all at night, except a single one horn on Saturday.
None of those photographed, however, were making or remarking existing scrapes, just moving through and feeding. Same with does, just hanging, eating, or traveling — none with bucks in pursuit.
Yesterday, I spent before dawn until unable to see in the best spot on the property and I saw one spike in the AM just wondering through and two does in the evening, just feeding through. None paid any attention to the scrape line I could see (which hasn’t been tended for three weeks), nor the mock scrape I added to the end of the line.
Grunting, bleating, rattling, bring completely silent did nothing at all.
I can see a 60 acre field to the south which is surrounded by woods and not a single deer entered nor crossed it.
There certainly was no does being pushed about or bucks chasing does or bucks challenging one another or bucks marking territory— in person in two days or on camera in more than two weeks.
When last our female Pointer was in heat, the boy dogs were losing their ever loving little minds. They had to be separated; couldn’t be left out together at all; jaws were popping; noses were running; every place she peed, they had to cover with their own; they just wouldn’t give her a minute of peace. This is kind of what I expected with the deer, but on a more subtle scale. But nothing.
Maybe this week with it getting colder.
At least I hope.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 07:18:38
Hunted a spot for a few years here in Ct where the Deer were plentiful. Rut marks ,buck activity and chasing all happened a couple of weeks prior to any other Ct reports that were written or I saw elsewhere. Was like this for the 3 or 4 seasons I hunted the place. Scrape lines made real early would be covered with leaves and unattended, even as bow season continued, and while the rut was in full force elsewhere with new scraping and chasing clearly going on. Bucks would leave for 'hotter' areas right after the very early rut stopped in this spot. I don't think its the bucks at issue but when the local does go into heat- clearly some much earlier than others.
post edited by r3g3 - 2019/11/06 07:24:20
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 08:11:16
The pictures I posted yesterday all took place within the matter of minutes. I've posted pictures of doe only, that show up daily, for better then two weeks. Then suddenly one day last week I catch sight of a buck cruising through the area. Not stopping, just nose to the ground following the same paths taken daily by the doe. Since the buck passed through, my wife and I have kept a constant watch, knowing the buck would return. Yesterday was the first time we saw him but this time he would stop and put his nose to the air then back to ground. Disappearing into a grove of trees and underbrush, it wasn't long before he busted a group of doe plus a small wye-buck. It was like a "Chinese Fire Drill" we would pull at stop lights with car full of people. Deer busting from the woods, running around the fields, back into the woods, and back into the fields. Some seconds later, out popped the buck and the pictures tell the rest of the story. Plenty of doe in the area so I'm suspecting this buck if not overpowered by another, will be working his scrapes for awhile. More interesting will be the doe as they come into estrus and work the scrape. Speculation from earlier articles written this spring/summer. Full moon coming, time to go sit in a tree and swing your feet. Good luck to all that seek, the elusive PA White-Tailed Deer. I hope younz get a Wallop-A-Loser. 🏹
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/11/06 08:24:25
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 08:30:21
BeenThereDoneThat. Dang..... most forgot.
Say hello to my little friend.
. Hey bud , my better half wants to know if your little friends name is Rocky 😜😜👍...
😝 and Bullwinkle too. Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met
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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 10:18:03
When ya say 'plenty of doe' remember the mature doe are the ones that count for this rut-not the skippers. If they go in at about the same time your rut can be fast -last years doe will make it last a while longer. Therefore ya cant count all the flatheads as doe that could go into heat. At least not this early in the 'first rut'. Some of the first born skippers and the year and a half olds could go in later. Have seen some go in as late as Feb. Thats why ya see some spotted fawns so very late in spring into Summer. Heck a few years back watched a new spotted fawn walk under the doe first week of bow. Point is that from now on there can always be a buck chasing, even well beyond whats considered the normal rut time. This is why as the seasons go on into gun ya often see bucks wandering- lookin for love- that haven't been in your area before- some have been known to travel many miles.
post edited by r3g3 - 2019/11/06 10:55:19
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 10:58:50
Moses, great story and great buck! Thanks for sharing. BeenThereDoneThat. Speculation from earlier articles written this spring/summer. Full moon coming, time to go sit in a tree and swing your feet.
Back in my early bow hunting days in high school and college, I'd get my hands on every article I could read about the rut. Early to mid 90's when deer research and QDM were really intersection with deer hunting in general. I remember reading many, many articles back then from lots of "research" that very much tied peak rut activity to the first full moon in November. According to them guys with the degrees in B.S. or PiledHighandDeep, this full moon was when it'd really be time to hunt. Of course, as r3g3 pointed out, there are localized exceptions, and we've probably all experienced that. Friday afternoon, my boys and I headed mup Erie on 79, from 422 by Moraine to I-90 and I didn't see nearly the number of road kills I'd expect to see at this time of year. Maybe 2 or 3, and nothing particularly fresh looking, although maybe the clean up crews were busy on Friday. Saturday evening after sunset driving home the same stretch on 79, on 422 from 79 to Butler, Rt. 8 South and on into my neighborhood 6 miles off of Rt. 8, I was on high alert for those glowing eyes along the road and fresh deer smears in the middle of the road. Nothing at all, except within a mile of home where there were some does and skippers feeding in normal spots close to the road.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 11:21:20
When started hunting Deer in the late 60s with a bow we had no trail cams or devices to help- heck we didnt even have camo clothing- cept military stuff.. Began a lifetime adventure of scouting pretty much year round. One very important thing I found about Buck hunting is that- after the majority of the rut in very late season- they come back home- if they lived through the seasons. Had enough pvt property locked down to be able to find a target buck and pretty much have HIM on my to do list. Didn't always work out but often enough to make it a routine. If he left pretty quick early he generally came home late. With multiple tags each year it didn't mean no deer but it meant I could hunt HIM throughout the seasons- Took a lot of Hims over time- now time is getting even-passed all last year waiting out HIM- zip- don't care it was fun- all from the ground as I don't feel right in a tree anymore-but took 2 nice shooters ( and a lesser couple) in the past 5 years. Knew where he hungout but also knew I couldn't get him out anymore lol. Sooo waited on the fringes- nada -and passed lesser deer- loved it. It aint about the meat. Welll- now I'm out so something is gonna hit the dirt this time around.
post edited by r3g3 - 2019/11/06 11:35:39
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 17:18:54
Not much of a story. I was not completely set up in my tree, still getting things in place. When I caught movement. It was a doe kinda feeding off in the woods. She started trotting in a round about fashion my direction. Lead this fella to a 6 yard shot. Piled up 50 yards later. Was not in the stand 5 minutes maybe. Has been a great archery season for my family. We do not have any buck tags left.
post edited by anzomcik - 2019/11/06 17:21:24
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 17:45:30
It has been a great year for you and yours. Congrats!
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 17:59:04
Congratulations Anz. Nice deer great pic. 👍 I got a new Sheriff in town at 5:00 PMish this afternoon. I was watching three deer feeding under the apple tree with two of them taking turns watching to their south. They're just so darned cute. Heads went from south to due north, two tails went in the air and two deer were south bound and down. The third, a much younger looking deer, continued to eat. Years of experience taught me, the third deer would have gotten out of Dodge, had danger been the reason for the other two puttin the pedal to the metal. Years of experience plus I could see walking from the woods, on the other side of the road, a large bodied half-rack heading toward the apple tree. Ole boy stopped for a quick bite before stepping to the already made scrape, rubbing his back tarsals as he peed before trucking southeast with tail straight up sprinkling pellets as he walked away. Attachments are not available: Download requirements not metAttachments are not available: Download requirements not met
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Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 18:47:10
GREAT 5 min. hunt. Congrats.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 18:47:52
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 19:03:22
Thanks guys and congrats Anz, nice buck.
Been seeing some pics of some real bruisers being taken in the big woods up north this week.
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 19:59:42
Congrats ANZ. Nice buck 👍. Did another afternoon sit saw probably a Shooter buck but he saw me first or winded me though .. end of story .... lol. And a doe in the field leaving at dark ! Just the way my season has been going but still having fun 😜👍🍺... nothing on camera last 2 days either 😡
post edited by mopars0 - 2019/11/06 20:13:15
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/06 21:59:52
Mopars..... I been keepin my fingers crossed for you, maybe I should uncross them and wish you bad luck. Reverse Psychology🏹
Good luck it's your turn.🦌
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/07 07:13:13
Moses Guthrie The shot was a little back but with the angle of the shot and with the deer running quickly head down and tail down and twitching, I was confident the deer wasn't going far. Gave it an hour and found him laying about 90 yds away.
Way to go! Congrats on the fine buck!
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/07 07:14:14
anzomcik Lead this fella to a 6 yard shot. Piled up 50 yards later. Was not in the stand 5 minutes maybe.
Might not be much of a story buck a heck of a fine buck is the result. Congrats man!
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/07 07:19:51
Finally getting around to posting as I have been doing all day sits. Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Took this morning off with the nasty front coming through, then plan to hunt this afternoon close to home. Things slowed a bit from my epic day Saturday with 12 bucks seen. I saw 6 bucks Tuesday and 7 bucks yesterday. Passed up several legal bucks during that time, with one that I passed twice I probably should have shot. He is heavy horned but relatively narrow spread and shortish tines. Big bodied deer, most likely 3.5 y/o. Seen a couple of shooters that never came close enough and would not respond to calling. Interesting that over the past two days, most of the bucks movement has been mid day. I always tell folks that mid day can be great this time of the year, especially if it is cold out
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/07 13:50:58
Genetics has come up here from time to time and here may be an example-- A friend has a great piece of Pvt agricultural property here in Ct locked down and takes shooters every year with bow and gun. This year he has seen two very odd sets of horns on mature bucks throughout the Summer into fall. One has 8 pt. horns crossed at the base and then they appear to look normal from a distance, each standing up on the wrong side. The second, also an 8 pt., has a normal side and the other base goes almost straight down with normal looking points on it sticking straight out. He took that second buck in early bow and the cross horn is still out there. Today he went out and took ,a heretofore unobserved, magnificent 190 lb buck with large thick heavily palmed horns and large thick drop ties with kickers on them , it was very nontypical. Depending on how ya count its a 12 or 14 point even with obvious breakage on the drops. The latter (todays harvest)is a 4 1/2 year old at the very minimum and the others are 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 year olds. WE kinda think it may be the older one that has spread the unusual gene pool. If so its kinda nice because even if there are no more bucks displaying ( beyond the one still out there) they had plenty of time to spread the pool - not to mention does that likely carry it. Todays buck was VERY heavily necked with dark tarsals and came to a grunt. He has hunted there for many years and has never observed horn oddities in the past.
post edited by r3g3 - 2019/11/07 13:54:56
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Re: Archery season 2019
2019/11/07 15:13:08
My question, why the laws in PA are written to remove the heavy horned bucks from the gene pool leaving the scrubs to mate? I know my experience of hunting PA for 56 years, as well as, running field cams 24/7/52 for 10 plus years (in farm field and woods on hill and in valleys), doesn't count as "scientific data" but my data sure don't coincide with the reports generated by the "independant agencies" hired to conduct "scientific studies" for the PGC. Hey, if I hire (using monies better spent elsewhere) one of those "independant agencies" to write a "scientific report" gleaned from my observations, Would I now have "scientific data" annnd maybe become famous. How stupid.... I'm already famous.🤗
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/11/07 15:15:06
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 