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Open Lake Channel Cats
Does anyone fish for Channel Catfish in the open lake, or has caught them while targeting other species? Either from boat or shore. Occasionally I’ll see someone post a random Cat while they were Perch fishing or Walleye trolling and I’m wondering if there’s any trend to the type of baits they’re keying in on, especially artificials. Next weekend I’ll be switching over to primarily Drum fishing for the rest of the Summer, which means jigging and trolling in shallow water, where I’d guess most of the Cats hang out too. If there are any baits or lures I could run to up my odds of getting into a few Channels this Summer, I’d gladly start pulling them. So far I’ve only caught one open water Cat and it fought better than almost any other fish I’ve caught in the main lake. Thing was 21 pounds and ate a spoon that was intended for Walleye. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/10 20:33:45
That's funny just YESTERDAY I got my 1st Channel from Erie. 30 inches no scale on boat had to be at least 18lbs and a blast to fight on med light bass rod in 3-4 ft swells hardest fighting fish I have caught in a long time!!!Using Erie Dearie dragged behind boat in rod holder with crawler of course.Id love to catch another but I still target them eyes!!! Pics to follow...WCW
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/10 21:13:25
40 sumtin foot of water...WCW
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/10 22:14:10
Have caught many while trolling or jigging under 50 ft. They are aggressive and will go after about anything if it is close to them. I agree that they are a tremendously fun fight. If you are drifting I would put a line out with a very large shiner or a live blue gill on a circle hook with just enough line to keep it a couple of feet off bottom. Gills tend to try to get to bottom to hide and their struggle draws attention. I haven't really picked up a pattern on the trolled baits for them, have caught them on dull, natural and obscenely bright stick baits up to big Reef runner and thunderstick sizes and all sizes and colors of spoons and worm harnesses. They are just predatory and aren't picky.
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/10 22:26:19
Nice boat load of fish WCW, fresh fillet of Walleye with a side of catfish........ Tight lines and good times. Congrats.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/12 08:28:25
We usually catch at least one catfish every time we go out for eyes... we always are using a worm harness drift fishing....
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/13 06:27:05
Large Shiners on bottom drifting for Smallies will pick up a few big cats. Usually random catches mostly, but Erie has some hogs lying on that bottom!
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/13 06:27:05
Large Shiners on bottom drifting for Smallies will pick up a few big cats. Usually random catches mostly, but Erie has some hogs lying on that bottom!
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/13 11:43:06
I tried calling HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY last night while drifting that didn't work dont waste your time...got fishsticks to hit. WCW
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/13 13:56:36
Thanks for the responses, everyone! Hopefully I’ll pick up a few this summer. Thinking I might try a slow troll to target them. Move 0.75-1.5mph and pull plugs, crawler harnesses, and maybe large, livelined Golden Shiners along the bottom on boards and riggers. Worth a shot!
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/13 13:59:04
workcanwait.... I tried calling HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY last night while drifting that didn't work dont waste your time...got fishsticks to hit.
WCW, do you keep C&R fishing for Eyes after you box your limit? I may actually target them for a bit this weekend for the grill so I’m wondering how the bite is for us non-charter guys that don’t have them jumping straight into the boat haha.
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Re: Open Lake Channel Cats
2018/06/13 15:26:46
No C&R on eyes for me getting my limit is enough but a lot of guys are tossing back the under 18 inch fish which is a good idea if you catch enough.I don't own a boat anytime I get out is valuable I keep 16 inch and better usually...Good Luck WCW