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Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
Going out on Bay sumtime soon have not ice fished since I was lil kid. I am going with a experienced local but willing to read any advice or reports you all feel like typing...Thanks WCW
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 11:56:28
I'm assuming since you are going with a vet ice fisherman gear will be covered. The one thing I'd say is take enough clothes to stay warm unless your in a shanty. I usually carry an extra shirt and gloves and leave them in a small bucket unless needed. Maybe if there is sheet ice stick a few sheet metal screws in the bottom of your boots. I believe someone fell at the first fisherie freezout about 15 years ago and banged his or her head pretty good. That could ruin your trip pretty quick.
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 12:35:47
Depends on what fish you are going after . Like Dave said, stay warm and be careful. Tightlines
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 14:14:28
Yeah I spend alot of time outdoors I got the dress warm thing covered. Looking to catch perch gill n crappie to eat but not against catching steel or pike be happy just to get out and try. I follow Poor Richards Presq isle Angler and Fish USA on fb. WCW
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 16:22:00
I said I would never ice fish... But this year I am getting the itch. Are those fish finders really needed, or people just walk out, close their eyes and drill a hole.
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 16:27:39
I have become comfortably numb
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 17:17:54
H3Fisher I said I would never ice fish... But this year I am getting the itch. Are those fish finders really needed, or people just walk out, close their eyes and drill a hole.
The "fish finder" will make your day go a lot easier. Most of the times, the biggest challenge is locating a decent amount of fish on safe ice
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 20:39:24
Ive seen guys without flashers catch a lot of fish by constantly working their bait...i sat side by side in a shanty with worm waster, he had a flasher, i had a camera, he caught more than me..then i bought a flasher...bottom line, you gotta get out there to catch fish..drill a hole and start jiggin...and stay away from chronic hole beating a hammer on the bottom of a boat
"I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day" -- Frank Sinatra
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 21:17:42
With all this snow, just make sure you're on the ice, 'over the water' before ya start drillin', ya might need to replace yer ice blades more then need be. FishUSA has Marcums on sale if yinz is in the market for a flasher or do like I do, go fishin with friends that already owns a flasher.  and a shanty, and a power auger, and buys the bait, and has a electric fillet knife. Not that I would ever have use for a fillet knife.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 21:47:06
Good point, soon as you "touch" those blades on anything other than ice they wont cut ice easy anymore. They are razor sharp for a reason. I once drove to new york to steelhead fish with ice gear in the back just in case,,,the auger rolled around, the blade cover fell off and cut my 75$ net to shreds..kudos to my buddy pudgy for tying the net back up with braided line to land a few...those blades need to be untouched razor sharp
"I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day" -- Frank Sinatra
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/04 22:13:10
Absolutely razor sharp and expensive to replace as is sliced boots, gloves, insulated pants, coats, fingers, etc. Oh yeah... fishing nets, man that had to suck. As you know, Ice augers don't cut holes through the ice but 'shave' holes through the ice which let's a guy make all the free ice cones, ya can eat. Just add your favorite syrup but I wouldn't recommend Maple, unless your havin pancakes.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/05 08:43:08
There a lot of shaky ice,just frozen snow and slush. MB is good from what they say....There's 2 foot of snow in places on the ice. If you don't have a shanty or a heater,don't go. The wind is the worst thing,it's brutal.
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/05 12:16:19
Yeah your face gets this temporary grimace like the Jokers
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/20 07:17:37
If your going to the bay you better go soon,like today or tomorrow. Misery bay has 10-12" of ice. Not the kind on ice I like but very fishable. It all milky ice,no clear. A lot of frozen snow mixed in the ice. Fishing was very good to great. Fished Thursday and Friday. Caught big gills and pumpkin seeds in huge numbers,a fair share of decent perch 10"-14" and some nice 11" crappie. I don't know to many places the the gills are that big 8'-9" plus. The bonus fish was the LM bass. My son and I caught around 25 in two days,a lot where over 4lbs most where 2-3 pounds. Had a big pike break my son off. Love that friggin place. Just can't get my wife to make the retirement move. I want to go north she wants to go south.
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/20 19:34:59
Big Tuna If your going to the bay you better go soon,like today or tomorrow. Misery bay has 10-12" of ice. Not the kind on ice I like but very fishable. It all milky ice,no clear. A lot of frozen snow mixed in the ice. Fishing was very good to great. Fished Thursday and Friday. Caught big gills and pumpkin seeds in huge numbers,a fair share of decent perch 10"-14" and some nice 11" crappie. I don't know to many places the the gills are that big 8'-9" plus. The bonus fish was the LM bass. My son and I caught around 25 in two days,a lot where over 4lbs most where 2-3 pounds. Had a big pike break my son off. Love that friggin place. Just can't get my wife to make the retirement move. I want to go north she wants to go south.
"she wants to go south I wanna go north", sounds familier
"I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day" -- Frank Sinatra
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/21 09:46:27
I did get out on bay Friday and Saturday. We did not catch alot but got enough perch for a meal. I enjoyed it sumtin different and will try again if I get a chance. Yesterday it was a circus out there peoples everywhere. My FIL stopped by to see the show I texted him and told him we were in THE RED HUT...after he disturbered a few others in red huts he finally called me and found us.WCW
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/21 20:00:29
Good to hear wcw, i bet it was a zoo
"I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day" -- Frank Sinatra
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Re: Ice Fishing Bay...any words for a newbie
2018/01/21 21:38:06