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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/25 00:01:37 (permalink)
Can't say I blame L13. Hell it snows in Buffalo during the summer. But all kidding aside, during winter, a few miles in any direction can get ya stuck in a backup where the only music you'll hear, for possibly hours, is from your radio or streaming on your smartphone.

That's provided some other vehicle, suddenly blinded by whiteout conditions, doesn't run over your asz.

Not me neighbor, if the weather dude says LE Snow... I don't go.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/25 08:51:37 (permalink)
Some people are better at driving, and especially driving at night, than others.  Why I like our Jazz Festival, I'll get nearly 300 possible shows (I can actually only do about 45) in 9 days 3 miles from my house.  I even walked home one night when I took the bus downtown.  I will still drive for music, but I'm walking out with a paycheck if I do.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/25 10:28:45 (permalink)
Its about timing for us. Our clock isn't turning backwards so we are putting check marks on things we enjoy and quite frankly, enjoying life of live music.
A lot of the shows we go are local within an easy drive or uber or we plan ahead and set up lodging. Arrive early and walk to the resting place.

I don't like driving at night myself

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/26 12:11:39 (permalink)
You also don't deal with Lake effect, in a year like this with no ice it is almost an everyday occurrence here. 
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/26 15:15:51 (permalink)
You also don't deal with Lake effect, in a year like this with no ice it is almost an everyday occurrence here. 

Driving on dry bare road under a moonlit sky then without warning, you're on snow covered roads trying to see through a (wet) blanket, thrown over the windshield.

Not fun when one need to suddenly drive, by braille..

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 09:57:51 (permalink)
I came south on RT 3 out of Port Ontario once, and it was like driving into a white wall.  Speed went to a still white knuckle 10mph for quite a while that day.  Another day on 3 at Palermo, I hit a heavy slush storm.  Speed dropped like a stone, the ~25 miles from there to Hannibal and 104 took almost 2 hours, with some hairy moments going through Fulton.  I'm getting too old for that (about 10 years ago!) 
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 12:44:14 (permalink)
Years ago I was on 81 north of Syrcuse and it was clear ,but looking North there seemed to be a curtain ahead.When I hit the curtain it was a solid line of heavy snow,road was getting covered and I slipped my Jeep Cherokee into 4 wheel and slowed down.Lots of other drivers started to pass me and further down the road I srarted to pass them where they slid off the road and down the bank.
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 17:26:19 (permalink)
Guys, I can't disagree about snowbelt areas and driving conditions. BTDT. Still do today if its necessary. We all got stories and if we are still telling them then it seems we kinda got it figured out.
I just make a plan and plan the best I can for anything.
Saying goes, if you fail to plan then the plan fails.
If its gonna be nasty, I try to leave early or late. If there is snow, I fill my bed of truck with weight, shovel , a bag of sand , tow rope, blankets and flashlight.
Geesh, we live in the northeast.
The things that give me the most worries are freaked out people that do 25mph in a dusting of snow with a line of traffic behind them. Nitwits with 4wd that think 55 means I can drive 55 in anything and finally truckers that blast past you with a semi in a blizzard

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 17:41:45 (permalink)
I used to love those folks in the two door speck that just had to pass my Hummer in bad weather. It never failed that I would find them in a ditch or field somewhere, flagging me down for assistance, which I always provided. Of course, I never missed the chance to ask them if they thought that if the guy in the Hummer was going 35, was there a good reason for that — like the roads are crap?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 20:08:15 (permalink)
hot tuna
Guys, I can't disagree about snowbelt areas and driving conditions. BTDT. Still do today if its necessary. We all got stories and if we are still telling them then it seems we kinda got it figured out.
I just make a plan and plan the best I can for anything.
Saying goes, if you fail to plan then the plan fails.
If its gonna be nasty, I try to leave early or late. If there is snow, I fill my bed of truck with weight, shovel , a bag of sand , tow rope, blankets and flashlight.
Geesh, we live in the northeast.
The things that give me the most worries are freaked out people that do 25mph in a dusting of snow with a line of traffic behind them. Nitwits with 4wd that think 55 means I can drive 55 in anything and finally truckers that blast past you with a semi in a blizzard

^^^^ HT
Nailed it!
I work ambulance, we HAVE to get there, and dealing with all of the conditions in my private vehicle  to get to work, or ambulance to get to a call, is just another skill learned over the years. 
Overly paranoid or overly reckless are both hazards and are usually the problems.... 
 I have traveled many times from central Pa to New Hampshire to visit family in the winter... and if you have a vehicle prepared for the weather and good common sense the trip is possible no matter what the weather, sometimes it just takes longer.
Speaking of weight in trucks, years ago the guy who cleared the lot beside the ambulance station with his backhoe would fill the bed of my truck with snow when the roads were bad. I always carried a couple bags of gravel for weight (or to throw under wheels of stuck vehicles if needed) but that snow load was great for traction on poorly kept cow paths between work and home! When weather warmed up and roads improved the snow melted out until next refill. 
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 20:14:30 (permalink)
Exactly. If you just do conditions appropriately it makes everything go much smoother.
Following a line of brake lights at 15-25 gets nothing but trouble when 35-40 is appropriate .
Doing 50 is not.
Yes, I've driven to pulaski on a Friday night when there were no tracks to follow, only the snowbanks to know you were still on a highway. In am over 4 feet had fallen.

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/27 20:38:48 (permalink)
One last thing I will say tonight.

My coworker and friend fell through the ice yesterday solo. He didn't have any safety devices with him such as a spud bar or ice picks. He had been walking on a well traveled path of white ice with his pack basket , auger and tackle. His wooden pack basket helped in flotation and self rescue to seal crawl out of the water. He lost his gear but saved his life.
He also notified the local rescue services that he was safe but his gear was floating in a hole so they don't get a rescue call.

Now Saturday I was out on ice that was fresh and black since the refreezing over a week ago. It was my first trip there of 2020 but my 4th of the season which was super solid in December.
We walked 50 yards out on white ice of 4 " . I was anxious to get 300 yards out on that black ice where we normally fish.
Once I crossed the white ice. My spud bar went through easily on the clear black ice.
I settled in on 2 - 2.5" ice 5 feet from the 4" white ice. Once winds kicked up I was off that moving water.

Now the charts all say 2" holds holds a person, 4" holds a crowd.
Please tell me experience don't overrule all that scientific data..
Stay safe

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 12:00:03 (permalink)
Back on with a new computer==hardest part was remembering my password.
Was very happy to hear about the lack of ice on the lake.
With my limited knowledge of the issue it may be a great thing for the bait fish as the hard freezes of recent years were said to kill off many of them.
A ray of hope for the future==
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/01/28 12:51:50
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 12:47:18 (permalink)
r3 what better board to try a new computer than the "fun stuff" forum.

Congratulations, may the new computer bring you many years of agravatinnnnnn..... errr,
enjoyment of forgotten user names and passwords. Stupid computers.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/01/28 12:50:49

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 17:33:28 (permalink)
Geesh rg, your like on computer # 10 , lol.
Its kinda funny BTDT because computers are actually smarter then myself. I can never remember my passwords as I have a bunch for various things but for some reason my phone and computer remembers them..

The lack of winter has given me the blues for sure and making me lazy not getting my exercise dragging a sled full of toys.
If it eases an alewife stress dieoff that's cool. What's better is a good spawn too.
Unfortunately I don't see any increase of salmon stockings on the horizon no matter the alewife population.
The thoughts of the high salmon natural reproduction and the old saying of once something is taken away, it's difficult to get it back. If these reductions satisfy the biologist, they will probably remain status quo.

Now good luck having fun figuring out the new computer. Our last new one quite awhile ago was nothing like our old programs and after about 8 years I still haven't figured out what 3/4 of them do or how to make it do what my old one did.
Same goes with a phone.
As Mr. Lukas Nelson sang , why can't we live a " simple life "
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/01/28 17:35:13

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 18:48:23 (permalink)
HT a very interesting read indeed and I agree, bring back the simple life.

But then I got to thinking about the days of my youth and remembering my parents coping with new gadgets and such, that the kids seemed to have no problem with.

Fast forward to the beginning of the electronic age. Home computers to be precise. Those old whirring clunking stay put in one place power consuming green screened beast with that dreadful.... one eyed blinking cursor.😩

I worked for a school district in those days and my new primary job included setting up computer labs throughout the district. Keeping in mind, we had to use and convert existing offices, class rooms and libraries into multi-tasking enviroments.

Every room had to be wired for appropriate power plus communication cables between computers hard drives and equipment in other rooms in the system. No wifi or bluetooth. Ohhhhh if I had only known back then.....🤔

Anyways, once the labs were set up, then came WTH do we do with this stuff. Well, I learned in computer class that the hardest thing about operating a computer is learning were to turn it on. Say what....? 😒 But ya know, once I found the on off button and got use to the whirring, clunking and sometimes wierd smell of ozone, I was playing keyboard pong in no time. Heck, I was even getting use to the beat.... ba-doink doink... ba-doink doink.... well anyway the early pong players remember that sound I'm sure.

Well, while we oldsters were learning the various "computer languages that looked sumthing like this [if] "this" * "this" then - "ba"= do > if < /= "in" \ then + "k" = ("ba-doink").🙃

Hell... I was in my glory when I created a program that converted celcius to ferinheight. Big whoop, maybe six commands that said if this equalls that then that equals this. Input; "Input" 🤗

Meanwhile, students in the 6th grade were building games similar to pong, using figurines (not paddles) playing music that keeps score for multiple players. Dam.... ba-doink" was now, a thing of the past. 😢

Each class held compitition vying for the best game program. I mean line after line of commands.

By the end of the school year these same kids were competing with other school districts.

To us old folk, it was a constant tedious study in learning about a computer program. To the kids it was a fun learning experience in which they excelled.

Ohhhh if I only knew then........
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/01/28 18:55:37

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 18:55:57 (permalink)
Rich-This is my third one since being on the board.
Not bad since the first one was around for a long time prior.
First a Dell, Second a Lenovo and now an HP.
This is the most responsive and clearest of the three.
One person suspected that the second had become virus filled as it had become a real chore trying to do the minutest of searches or tasks, constanty kicking me out or simply freezing up requiring reboots and startovers
When the Geek came to set up this new one it crashed for good just as he finished moving all my old programs  into the new one.
I mean shut down never to come back kinda crash.
A last minute stroke of good luck saving our records and settings.
As one who still scratches messges on rocks and throws them to people the whole computer thingie is a bit of a mystery to me.
Naturally the new generations get it better than old me- my oldest son is IT supervisor for a large business.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/01/28 20:32:19
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 21:24:56 (permalink)
Btdt. I couldn't picture a personal computer prior to my first around 1986 . It was dial up and with 8 gigabytes harddrive, all I wanted from it was free music shared amount taping community. I had to pay one of those geek folks $10.00 to come show me what a download ment.
My first electric device was pong, then tank and finally I spent hours doing nothing but playing Nintendo jeopardy while watching up in smoke.

Yup. Stupid computers turn people stupid but maybe it was smarter than plugging a metal board into the outlet watching plastic football players vibrate across the table
post edited by hot tuna - 2020/01/28 21:28:41

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/28 23:25:43 (permalink)
Haa ha I hear you HT.

At least, when ya flipped the switch, those football players seemed to know what to do whereas the clunky computer just sat there, with that stupid green blinking cursor as to be saying..... dah!!

I look back and see the changes over the past 60+ years and I gotta wonder how much simplar life might be 60+ years from now.

Likely I won't be here to see those changes. Too bad, I can't imagine what fun that might be.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/29 07:18:22 (permalink)
Keep in mind, the iPhone only turned 13 this January.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: fun stuff 2020/01/29 10:14:06 (permalink)
Wife and I getting lots of robocalls on our phones claiming 'serious Social Security ' issue so call back NOW = imply formal actions if we don't call and respond to this idiocy.
Kinda recall reading a warning on the news recently bout this one.
One- a while back, even said I would  be subject of an arrest for not responding immediately.
Don't know if its our ages or what but these scam artists stop at nothing.
Can think of several older friends and relatives that would be so concerned they might actually call back and get scammed by giving too much personal info to CROOKS.
Social Security aint callin ya up with threats or anything else- they use the mail.
Older folks come from a different time when this crap didnt happen and are vulnerable to these criminals.
I don't ever bother callin LE as these are robocalls and therefore being made by the thousands.
When doing financial crime investigations at the PD long ago tried to follow up on similar calls and putor messages  only to find most led outa the US and seemed to bounce around the globe -also many used Campus computer banks at that time which also led out the US at their second stages.
NEVER give anybody ANY personal info or your bank account may disappear and your credit ruined.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/01/29 10:50:00
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/22 11:31:54 (permalink)
Been off the forum for almost a month= took a 2 week Cruise into the Carib and ended up sick as an old dog bout 3/4 the way through=bedridden for a few days -2:20 am e/r trip on the ship etc etc.
Bi and tri daily trips back to the DR office on board- some in a freakin wheel chair.
29th Cruise --never had this happen before and it wasn't pretty.
Back home for a while and right back into the DR office with somewhat of a re do. Now Wifey has IT too.
LOTS of meds all around. Heavy on steroids and antibiotics.
3 weeks or more of this an still aint right.
Over  $2,000 ship bill for the Dr and now gotta do all the insurance filings here at home for whatever is covered outa the country.
Gotta say the Ship Dr was very professional and did a great job IMHO.
Wont say what Shipping line as it aint their fault and I have travelled several over time - all have their good and fair points.
Love Cruising.
I will say that this time around there seemed to be a lot of people with serious respiratory issues.
At first thought it was just me but as time went on the Dr office filled right up every visit- every one gasping for air and coughing a lot.
Perhaps because so many of us are senior citizens prone to such issues on a long mid winter vacation.
NOT that new virus- Not pneumonia and not the flu- but felt like all  three at once imho.
In our  group of 20 at least 3 of us had it with one hospitolized upon return home.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/02/22 11:36:53
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/22 11:36:01 (permalink)

That is terrible. Hope you and your wife get well soon.

Glad you had a good shipboard doctor experience. I’m always concerned about that.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/22 13:05:17 (permalink)
Godspeed for you and your wife r3. 🤞🏼Fingers are crossed your insurance covers 100%.

Too many similar stories, keeps me away from taking a cruise.

Saw your above post on the scams too. SS sent me an email warning of such activity. Trouble is, I don't know if the email is from the SS Admin. No link to open so there's that, as scams want ya to "click here" to open a link.

Anyways, hope younz get well real soon.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/22 13:22:45 (permalink)
Have been led to believe that SS only uses snail mail.
Of course now ya cant even trust that.
I stay in the mindset that all kinda crooks and businesses are ALWAYS trying to get into my wallet via nefarious advertising and act accordingly.
Just hang up.
Some guy called yesterday saying I prequalify for some kind house work so he,s sending a crew over to inspect-talked so fast I only got parts of it before just hanging up
HOPE he sends a 'crew' he doesn't like cause they aint goin back if they come here.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/02/22 19:44:27
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/22 13:46:14 (permalink)
Yep, we get em too..... I have the "ignore call" button that leaves the caller with a message of ones choice.

If the number isn't one I recognise I hit the button. Including those PITA medical insurance providers that tell me I might be sick and need to get to my doctor. Geez Louise, talk about health care cost, my provider waste a ton of money with nuisance mail and phone calls.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/22 18:31:23 (permalink)
Hope you all get well soon.
We did 2 cruises in 1984 and 1987. Both were with jam band cruises. Not our flavor of spending days on a floating city of thousands of people. Neither is the Disney gig. World travels also don't suit my fancy.
Some like it others don't.
My thoughts ,they are nothing but germs and viruses abound from all walks of life and a stranger in a strange land

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/23 18:58:18 (permalink)
Its definitely different Rich- we were in two countries where the camo clad Army or Police were walking along the beach areas in in groups carrying full auto rifles.
Also in two where security people in uniforms were common place in shopping plazas carrying long guns.
Was clear to me that the protection of Tourists and normal shopping folks was important to the Govts but that 'issues' must certainly abound.
Except for that Govt trying to give protection thingie,   thought I might be in San Francisco or Chicago.
post edited by r3g3 - 2020/02/23 19:05:32
hot tuna
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/24 08:52:52 (permalink)
When we were in France, its definitely a militant country. Every public place had full on military presence and along the beach of the Mediterranean, there were anti aircraft stations set up , a helicopter flying every so often and a warship cruising the horizon.
Pistols are not allowed to the public at all.

No thanks, I stay in the USA and discover what she has to offer

"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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Re: fun stuff 2020/02/24 16:52:58 (permalink)
A beautiful picture of the northern lights from a recent trip to Narvik Norway (above the arctic circle).  I spent ten days seeing the sights with my daughter and on the last night finally got weather clear enough to see an incredible light show at the end of a fjord a short distance from Narvik.  The cottage in the photo is where we stayed.
post edited by troutbum21 - 2020/02/24 16:54:10


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