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Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
The black lies were out in the thousands Sat. all over the outside and alot inside flying around. I have never seen it like that before. Does a certian wind direction help or hurt the number of flies around. It was a SW wind 5 - 10 mph. we went west out of Conneaut Oh. It was almost intolerable!
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/21 09:09:12
Yeah they were thick I was out the boat I was in was full of them...of course all the walleye blood on carpet did not help...WCW
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/22 14:48:43
Those the ones that bite your ankles all day ? Those are a pain in the azz !
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/22 14:58:30
yeah they bite ankles unless you sprayed down with deet then they left you alone for 15 minutes or so...WCW
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/22 15:06:11
Those black flies will drive you crazy ! It's been awhile but are horse & deer flies still around ? Those babies love to sting or bite your bare back and shoulders !
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2017/06/22 15:09:12
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/22 17:31:43
those are the ones! there were hundreds in the boat and thousands hitching a ride on the outside!
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/22 18:52:43
Fly fishing at it's best.
Aw c'mon...... that was cute. No?
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/23 12:15:58
FYI they are still out there in swarms BITING...Flies and Walleyes. Gud one BTDT ...WCW
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/23 12:28:09
I'm actually looking into one of those electronic pest repellers. I'll try anything at this point.
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/23 12:34:12
Last Saturday I had shorts on got bite up bad...wore light weight pants last night not one bite but my Captain wore shorts he got chewed up again. He wants to get a thermacell unit I have my doubts if it would work in moving boat.WCW
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/23 14:44:15
I'm thinking I saw those electronic hand held bug swaters in Big Lots.
Nothing like a side of fried bug to go along with a fish sammige on the lake. Or in my case, a baloney & cheese sammige.
Stupid fish......
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/24 12:57:08
workcanwait.... Last Saturday I had shorts on got bite up bad...wore light weight pants last night not one bite but my Captain wore shorts he got chewed up again.He wants to get a thermacell unit I have my doubts if it would work in moving boat.WCW
My buddy took his thermacell up with us perch fishing once last year. Gotta say it didn't seem to make a big difference. Was worth a shot though.
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/26 09:44:05
They were thick on Pymie also. I had blood running down my shins. I deet bombed the back of the boat and they let up a little.
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/26 16:57:28
You have got to be crazy to wear shorts fishing lake erie, or most lakes period. You already know about the biting insects. Your choice tho. Socks and sneakers, lightweight beige pants and long sleeve lightweight fishing shirt for me. i honestly never get bit. I just laugh at the guy in the boat wearing shorts and a muscle shirt doing the swat dance and complaining about the flys all day biting him all over, even his bare feet with his sandals on.
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/26 22:34:37
Never been eaten by black flies, 'cause I rarely get to fish in the spring, but I can attest to those darn deer flies. You know, the ones with the swept back wings that make them look like tiny F-14 fighter jets. They really go for white socks. Won't bother ya on your blue jeans, but they'll chew your ankles big time! Those warm fall days I have to spray heavily with Deep Woods Off, and still get a few bites.
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/26 23:12:12
I carry a fly-swatter both in my boat while fishing and on my Country Clipper when mowing. Serves as a great back-scratcher cause ya dint know the little pryks are there till they bite ya and then, its tooo late. Stupid little pryks!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/06/26 23:14:00
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/29 00:02:30
Those little devils are stable flies. Avon skin so soft bug repellant is the only thing that I've found that will keep them from biting. I've found that a thermacell has little use on a moving boat with wind, and those little bast@rds don't care about deet at all.
post edited by ShenangoEyes - 2017/06/29 00:07:16
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/06/29 08:17:17
You say the little devils are stable flys? Hmmm, correct me if I'm wrong; Blue Army = horsey = stable = flys. Secrete Amish weapon to keep der 'Engloshmun' off der water...... yah?
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2017/06/29 08:32:20
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/07/25 14:35:42
I was up on Tug Hill in New York and there are still black flies out up there, a month after they would normally be burned off. The ones out on the lakes are stable flies. In the woods, the deer flies are also out collecting blood donations. Need a couple of sunny 90 degree days to kill the black flies, then a good frost ( thought we would get it today in Rachacha, it is COLD) to kill the deer flies. Nothing seems to kill the stable flies, which some folks also call dog flies.
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/07/25 22:25:16
Did yinz know there is 1800 species of the 'Black Fly' of which eleven are now extinct?
That must be 11 of the little pryks I whacked with my swatter while mowing this evening. Got a couple them deer fly's too.... little pryks. 👀
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/07/26 10:28:40
Killed a MONSTER FLY in boat last week HUGE biggest I have ever seen and I have spent time in Canada and upstate NY it was size of a big carpenter bee...WCW
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/07/26 10:46:38
Stable fly; black fly; deer fly; horse fly ummm must of been a ELEPHANT FLY....maybe? 😕
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Whats up with all the flies last Sat 6/17/17
2017/07/27 11:03:27
Have U ever seen an elephant fly? What were you drinking'? Lots of Bar flies up around the salmon river, too!