'10 Doe Tags...

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 09:04:51 (permalink)
Kill numbers to kill numbe3rs would not be accurate. Number of hunters affects kill numbers. The "2b home, 2g camp" hunters ain't hittin' 2G anymore.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 09:41:55 (permalink)
Kill numbers would in fact be comparable since the harvests are keeping the herd stable despite the reduced number of hunters.

Anyone that claims the habitat is controlling the herd in 2G is not thinking rationally. The average deer density for 2G is around 8-10 DPSM and the MSY carrying capacity for pole timber is 10 DPSM. During the late 80's the counties that comprise 2G had over 25 DPSM and by 1999 that number was reduced by the doe harvests to 15 DPSM.So to claim that the habitat that once supported over 25 DPSM is now limiting the herd to less than 8 DPSM ,is just plain silly.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 10:54:46 (permalink)
Is it not just harvest that is contributing to kill numbers. Predators have increased too. If you're going to use the dpsm data, please use the 92% of collared deer data as well.

Places that have the habitat have the animals.. been that way forever and it always will be. The level of acceptance is what varies.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 11:38:35 (permalink)
While you, I, deerfly, and others agree that predators and their kills are increasing both the DCNR and PGC claim that is not the case and don't see the need to do a study to check it out. Since we have no choice but to accept that claim, doing the comparison before and after AR/HR will yield the answer. If there were not any deer there before AR the hunters wouldn't have been there. If there are still deer there the hunters wouldn't have left. The habatit should be better now that just bfore AR/HR so there should be more deer. Remember, improving the habatit was the supposed reason for reducing the herd in the first place.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 11:57:16 (permalink)
The pgc has done studies on predator and fawn survival. Getting to that info on their website is another story. It's located under deer research.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 12:11:22 (permalink)
True, but as I recall the studies were done years ago before AR/HR would have affected it and we agree there are more coyotes and fewer deer than when the studies were done. When you have more predators to feed and a diminished deer herd to feed them it's the deer that suffer. We agree, but the DCNR and PGC don't so simply comparing the before and after deer kill is the only way to determine why there are areas of few deer using their rules. It sure isn't habitat if the deer were there before AR/HR and not now.
post edited by S-10 - 2010/07/14 12:13:22
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 12:20:00 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: SilverKype

Is it not just harvest that is contributing to kill numbers. Predators have increased too. If you're going to use the dpsm data, please use the 92% of collared deer data as well.

Places that have the habitat have the animals.. been that way forever and it always will be. The level of acceptance is what varies.

How would you like me to use 92% of the collared doe? Are you really claiming we are only harvesting 8% of the adult doe in 2G each year?

There is no evidence that predation has increased since the herd was reduced and the projected shorter breeding window was supposed to decrease predation. Predation was always factored nto the non-hunting mortality and antlerless allocations were adjusted to account for predation.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 12:28:53 (permalink)
I think there is no evidence to prove increased predation because we haven't done a study on it since the decreased deer herd. Put 10 coyotes on an island with 500 deer and you will get a percentage kill in a given time period. Put 15 coyotes on the same island with 300 deer and the percentage kill has to increase. The PGC's figures show there has been both an increase in coyotes and a decrease in deer numbers in the last decade.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 12:34:40 (permalink)
I am not claiming we take 8% of 2G doe. However, without accurate overwinter deer numbers, you can't claim that we aren't. The downward trend in hunter participation in the north woods and the deer herd's inability to recover should offer insight. You skipped the 92% data that your opinion doesn't agree with. If you gonna use some pgc data, use it all. I know, i know, the pgc collars doe far away from roads. LOL !

A change in bear management has our harvest numbers at an all-time high. The eastern coyote has been migrating from the west and north for decades. And if predation studies are not being done now, predation cannot be factored into antlerless allocations. Of the predation studies I've seen, predation on fawns from bear/coyote is higher in open woods, than it is in ag areas. Once again, habitat is the key.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 12:47:10 (permalink)


True, but as I recall the studies were done years ago before AR/HR would have affected it and we agree there are more coyotes and fewer deer than when the studies were done. When you have more predators to feed and a diminished deer herd to feed them it's the deer that suffer. We agree, but the DCNR and PGC don't so simply comparing the before and after deer kill is the only way to determine why there are areas of few deer using their rules. It sure isn't habitat if the deer were there before AR/HR and not now.

I don't think that is true. And I say that because the mass reduction of a deer herd from hunting happened quickly & unnaturally while a herd recovering in poor habitat with a bunch of predators has not. Remember, I too hunt around public land with areas with 5-10 dpqm. Some would argue less. And I choose to abandon those past stomping grounds unfortunately, because those herds just aren't going to recover. Some years the mast crop may pull them from other areas, but good habitat is consistent. Other hunters know it too.. yet the deer number remain good. While WMU 4D allocations dropped 10,000, my entire area has been dmaped for the first time ever.. so the difference may end up the same.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 14:08:51 (permalink)
However, without accurate overwinter deer numbers, you can't claim that we aren't./quote]

Wrong again! The fact that the herd and harvests are not increasing prove that we are harvesting a lot more than 8% of the adult doe in 2G. The PGC even stated that the study did not accurately reflect harvest rates for adult doe in 2G so there is no reason to use the results from that study.
The downward trend in hunter participation in the north woods and the deer herd's inability to recover should offer insight. You skipped the 92% data that your opinion doesn't agree with. If you gonna use some pgc data, use it all. I know, i know, the pgc collars doe far away from roads. LOL !

There is no evidence that the herd is unable to recover and there historical data to support that claim. The herd in the NC counties peaked at 40 DPSM in the late 70's and dropped to around 20 DPSM in the early 80's and increased to over 25 DPSM by the late 80's before bonus tags were implemented. Furthermore, DCNR is crying and moaning that the reduced allocations and shorter seasons will allow the herd to increase and wipe out any gains in regeneration.

BTW all the studies show that the MSY carrying capacity of over browsed northern hardwoods is 40 DPSM , so it should be obvious to any educated ,rational individual that the habitat is not limiting the herd in 2G.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 14:26:02 (permalink)
If the area held sufficient numbers of deer to keep hunters happy and hunting there prior to 2001 with the habitat that was there how can the habitat be blamed for low numbers of deer now? It just isn't logical for them to claim that. What is more logical is what I have been preaching since I started on this site-----Once you get the deer numbers somewhere below 10 dpsm predators and natural mortality will keep the herd in check WITHOUT hunters. That is happening out west with the deer, sheep, and elk, as a result of wolf introduction and I have always said and believed it has always been the plan for the states forests and large timber holdings. It's what you can expect when you let the enviromentalists run things.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 15:21:25 (permalink)
Great points S-10. Finally someone uses the numbers like they should be used. Even someone without a high math backround can see these points...WF
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 15:30:10 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: deerfly

Wrong again! The fact that the herd and harvests are not increasing prove that we are harvesting a lot more than 8% of the adult doe in 2G. The PGC even stated that the study did not accurately reflect harvest rates for adult doe in 2G so there is no reason to use the results from that study.

There is no evidence that the herd is unable to recover and there historical data to support that claim. The herd in the NC counties peaked at 40 DPSM in the late 70's and dropped to around 20 DPSM in the early 80's and increased to over 25 DPSM by the late 80's before bonus tags were implemented. Furthermore, DCNR is crying and moaning that the reduced allocations and shorter seasons will allow the herd to increase and wipe out any gains in regeneration.

BTW all the studies show that the MSY carrying capacity of over browsed northern hardwoods is 40 DPSM , so it should be obvious to any educated ,rational individual that the habitat is not limiting the herd in 2G.

okay. Nobody is educated or rational but you. That educated rational attitude has gotten you wiped off a few message boards I see.

I am wrong "in your opinion." I want to see your total overwintering deer count for 2G and how the number came about. Then we'll talk about the 8%. You can't produce it. Nuff on that.

Deer herds may not recover where each doe has one fawn typically and predators dominate the woods. When the good habitat exists, fawn birthing numbers are higher and predation is less. But you already know this, yer buddy RSB has explained it many many times. The truth is in the data deerfly, beenthere, or whoever you are. Take an objective look at things for once and not an "anti-pgc/pro-pgc when I want to" -- and you may just learn something.
post edited by SilverKype - 2010/07/14 15:31:00

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 15:43:25 (permalink)


If the area held sufficient numbers of deer to keep hunters happy and hunting there prior to 2001 with the habitat that was there how can the habitat be blamed for low numbers of deer now? It just isn't logical for them to claim that. What is more logical is what I have been preaching since I started on this site-----Once you get the deer numbers somewhere below 10 dpsm predators and natural mortality will keep the herd in check WITHOUT hunters. That is happening out west with the deer, sheep, and elk, as a result of wolf introduction and I have always said and believed it has always been the plan for the states forests and large timber holdings. It's what you can expect when you let the enviromentalists run things.

huh ? Habitat is not blamed for low numbers now. We've established HR is, haven't we. Bad habitat does not allow the numbers to recover.

2G is huge. Largest WMU in the state.

For visual representation:


Yet, the tags they get out is the lowest.


That should tell the high school math background folks something. If it doesn't, they should get back in school !

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 16:08:53 (permalink)
For over five years I've been saying this was going to happen on public land where the PGC and DCNR are controlling the deer numbers. It has nothing to do with the habitat, it has to do with getting the population of a species low enough to where predation and natural mortality will offset any natural reproduction. There is a list of hundreds of birds and animals on the endangered list, for various reasons, but all because there are not enough of then to reproduce to offset natural losses. We didn't lose the buffalo or passenger pigon because of loss of habitat, we lost them because we took their numbers too low just as we have the deer in some areas. It will get a lot worse in other areas if we keep killing too many doe. Good habitat will support more animals but it IS NOT the cause of the current situation. Taking their numbers below their ability to replenich themselves is.
wayne c
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 16:23:16 (permalink)
Deerfly said: "During the late 80's the counties that comprise 2G had over 25 DPSM and by 1999 that number was reduced by the doe harvests to 15 DPSM.So to claim that the habitat that once supported over 25 DPSM is now limiting the herd to less than 8 DPSM ,is just plain silly."


It takes fewer hunters to keep a much smaller herd from growing...and only understandable that one of the units with lowest deer densities and most open to public lands would have the lowest allocation! And if the herd isnt growing in the unit, its because harvest level+predation is same as or higher than recruitment. Even at maximum recruitment, if you have too few does giving birth in the first place to overcome the losses from harvest and or predation... Your herd aint gonna grow.

Just about every unit in the state had some reduction and it wasnt the habitat in them all...if any. I believe that the main reason the rest of the state isnt at the same deer densities as 2G is because the other units arent wall to wall public hunting area and the enviro extremist driven antideer plan isnt as effective at deer herd decimation where access isnt so unlimited..
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 16:28:37 (permalink)
Habitat is not blamed for low numbers now. We've established HR is, haven't we. Bad habitat does not allow the numbers to recover.

You did a fine job of contradicting yourself. In the first sentence you claimed that the habitat is not the reason for the low deer numbers we have now and then you say the habitat is preventing the herd from increasing ,which means it is responsible for the low deer numbers we have today ,at least according to you. But, the fact is the low deer numbers have nothing to do with the habitat. the habitat in 2G in 2009 produced a sustainable harvest of 9,400 deer or 2.28 DPSM. If those deer had not been harvested the OWDD would have increased by 2.8 DPSM and fawn recruitment the following year would have increased proportionately. Therefore, it is obvious that the harvests are preventing the herd from increasing, not the habitat as you and RSB claim.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 16:45:55 (permalink)
Overharvest in areas is quite obvious and has been. I won't tell you it isn't. But don't tell me habitat has nothing to do with it. Those rhododendron munching deer got other issues than just tag allocations and bear/coyote pressure.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 17:06:55 (permalink)
Rhododendron munching or no rhododendron munching...There is no evidence that the lack of growth of the deer herd is due to habitat currently. With the current deer densities & habitat, 2G still had among the higher embryo counts per doe in the state. It can be argued that the audit found the herd health data insufficient in amount, but again... No data at all shows deer actual fawning has been effected by habitat in 2G.

Even if habitat may be subpar in many areas of the unit, i wont agree that its to the point of restricting herd growth to current low levels. There just isnt any evidence to support it that ive seen, but alot of common sense telling us how significant some of the other factors are.

Sk, I dont think you're all that far out in right field with your views on the issue, but if youve read details on the last pgc meeting, A few of the pgc board + Rosenberry has basically concluded that hunting + predation ARENT a significant factor in 2G. Its all the habitat. I say they're full of it.
post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/14 17:11:20
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 17:10:11 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: deerfly

Habitat is not blamed for low numbers now. We've established HR is, haven't we. Bad habitat does not allow the numbers to recover.

You did a fine job of contradicting yourself. In the first sentence you claimed that the habitat is not the reason for the low deer numbers we have now and then you say the habitat is preventing the herd from increasing ,which means it is responsible for the low deer numbers we have today ,at least according to you. But, the fact is the low deer numbers have nothing to do with the habitat. the habitat in 2G in 2009 produced a sustainable harvest of 9,400 deer or 2.28 DPSM. If those deer had not been harvested the OWDD would have increased by 2.8 DPSM and fawn recruitment the following year would have increased proportionately. Therefore, it is obvious that the harvests are preventing the herd from increasing, not the habitat as you and RSB claim.

As I've already explained, hunters artifically hammered the doe numbers. In the natural world, deer numbers don't explode without the habitat. How are harvests preventing deer from returning if the largest WMU in the state gets the fewest tags ? You can't blame the pgc anymore. 2G has been 26,000 + dmap for years. Now it's down to around 15000. The future will be of interest.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 17:12:50 (permalink)
"How are harvests preventing deer from returning if the largest WMU in the state gets the fewest tags ?"

Doesnt matter how large it is, it has easiest access (public lands) in the state, and those fewest tags are simply because they also already have one of the lowest deer densities

Very few deer have very few fawns.
post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/14 17:20:53
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 22:06:30 (permalink)
I asked about recovering deer herds.  Public land or not, a one week doe season and minimal tags should allowthe herd to increase according to the theory that hunter pressure is the issue.  Perhaps it has been improving.. the 92% stat seems to indicate it is.  Maybe hunters shouldn't spend so much time whinin' in the off-season and head to the woods ?  Very few surviving fawns are associated with poor habitat.  The lack of undergrowth in mature woods gives them no cover.  With an abundance of predators, fawns don't have much of a chance.  Further, when a hunter can see 150 yards in the woods, it tends to make harvesting deer easier than in thick cover.  All about that habitat. 

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/14 22:25:37 (permalink)
"I asked about recovering deer herds. Public land or not, a one week doe season and minimal tags should allowthe herd to increase according to the theory that hunter pressure is the issue."

So you know at the exact point that our regulations, season length & allocation would no longer permit overharvest or harvest to no longer exceed or meet the recruitment (of what the recruitment should be) on any/every particular herd size within any particular unit????

"Perhaps it has been improving.."

Dont know, thankfully i dont hunt the unit. Couldnt tell you firsthand.

"the 92% stat seems to indicate it is."

Yes. If you believe that the stat is actually legitimately representative of anything. I certainly dont, but your opinion is free to differ.

"Maybe hunters shouldn't spend so much time whinin' in the off-season and head to the woods ?"

Naa. too many ticks.[:D] Besides, there isnt any room for more harvest and more hunters to be successful with current herd sizes unless you want those herd sizes to go even lower.

"Further, when a hunter can see 150 yards in the woods, it tends to make harvesting deer easier than in thick cover."

I guess i'll have to inform the game management authorities in the dozen or so other states that ive been to where i could also see 150 yards in mature hardwood forests. Maybe they can contact Gary Alt to fix 'em up and cure their many decades of mismanagement too? lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/14 22:27:34
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/15 07:34:26 (permalink)
Public land or not, a one week doe season and minimal tags should allowthe herd to increase according to the theory that hunter pressure is the issue

What do you know that the PGC biologists don't know? For the past 4 years the PGC has stated that the antlerless allocations were designed to keep the herd stable. That means that the total harvest would equal recruitment. And, if you look at the harvest stats for 2G you will see that the harvests either kept the herd stable or reduced it even more.
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/15 07:53:20 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: wayne c

"I asked about recovering deer herds. Public land or not, a one week doe season and minimal tags should allowthe herd to increase according to the theory that hunter pressure is the issue."

So you know at the exact point that our regulations, season length & allocation would no longer permit overharvest or harvest to no longer exceed or meet the recruitment (of what the recruitment should be) on any/every particular herd size within any particular unit????

"Perhaps it has been improving.."

Dont know, thankfully i dont hunt the unit. Couldnt tell you firsthand.

"the 92% stat seems to indicate it is."

Yes. If you believe that the stat is actually legitimately representative of anything. I certainly dont, but your opinion is free to differ.

"Maybe hunters shouldn't spend so much time whinin' in the off-season and head to the woods ?"

Naa. too many ticks.[:D] Besides, there isnt any room for more harvest and more hunters to be successful with current herd sizes unless you want those herd sizes to go even lower.

"Further, when a hunter can see 150 yards in the woods, it tends to make harvesting deer easier than in thick cover."

I guess i'll have to inform the game management authorities in the dozen or so other states that ive been to where i could also see 150 yards in mature hardwood forests. Maybe they can contact Gary Alt to fix 'em up and cure their many decades of mismanagement too? lol.

I don't need to know the exact point of overharvest or recruitment. It's apparent the pgc doesn't either with their 4 year study here, implement it here, drop tags there. Guess I'll say it one more time. The largest WMU has the least tags. There are other issues than hunter pressure.

92% is exactly what it is. 92% of the doe they collared survived the hunting season. Of course you don't believe it. What if it was 6% ? You'd be jumping all over it crying overharvest.

Besides, there isnt any room for more harvest and more hunters to be successful with current herd sizes unless you want those herd sizes to go even lower.

^ How can you say that ? Do you KNOW current herd sizes are all at or below capacity.

Browsers don't do as well in mature timber. Perhaps you should just move to one of those other states.

btw.. ticks are out year around, above 28 degrees. No stinkin' ticks by scent shields works well.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/15 08:12:25 (permalink)

ORIGINAL: deerfly

Public land or not, a one week doe season and minimal tags should allowthe herd to increase according to the theory that hunter pressure is the issue

What do you know that the PGC biologists don't know? For the past 4 years the PGC has stated that the antlerless allocations were designed to keep the herd stable. That means that the total harvest would equal recruitment. And, if you look at the harvest stats for 2G you will see that the harvests either kept the herd stable or reduced it even more.

Find yourself some better habitat. Hunt places harder for bear/coyote/hunters to find deer Allocations may be designed to keep the herd stable but when politics and social aspects influence the designs more than biology, the biologists are thrown out the window. With the constant altering of season lengths and allocations, sure doesn't appear to me that the pgc is making herd stability a priority. Can a WMU the size of 2G accurately be labeled "stable" ? I'm not sure all the areas surrounding where I hunt are "stable." And I don't need to know that nor do I care. I'm a hunter..I hunt where the deer are. It is changes almost every year.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/15 09:21:17 (permalink)
Can a WMU the size of 2G accurately be labeled "stable" ? I'm not sure all the areas surrounding where I hunt are "stable." And I don't need to know that nor do I care. I'm a hunter..I hunt where the deer are. It is changes almost every year.

If you don't know or care, why do you spend so much time trying to convince others that the habitat is preventing the herd from increasing?
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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/15 10:09:38 (permalink)
I didn't say I don't know, I said I don't need to know. And when it comes to hunting in the woods, not on a discussion board, it does not matter whether a herd is stable or fluctuates every year because deer patterns change every year. My job as a hunter to figure that out. This here is nothing more than passing time. I've long understood that what I type will not change the minds of folks like yourself. I also shouldn't (and rightfully so) try to convince someone that what is happening in my immediate area is a representation of what is happening everywhere, vice versa. I'm not gonna let you convince others it's all the pgc's fault. It's a multitude of issues, but the ONLY issue an individual hunter has complete power of, is relocating to better huntable habitat for themselves. If you think your beotchin and complainin' about the pgc on fisherie is gonna accomplish anything on a statewide issue, you are sadley mistaken. Hunt the good habitat.

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RE: '10 Doe Tags... 2010/07/15 10:26:30 (permalink)
"I don't need to know the exact point of overharvest or recruitment. It's apparent the pgc doesn't either with their 4 year study here, implement it here, drop tags there. Guess I'll say it one more time. The largest WMU has the least tags. There are other issues than hunter pressure."

You insinuate that with the decrease in pressure that there SHOULD be an increase in the deer herd. That doesnt add up, because the decrease in pressure could very well be proportionate enough to the decrease in the herd to prevent growth. I do agree about other issues to some extent though.

"92% is exactly what it is. 92% of the doe they collared survived the hunting season."

Exactly. And not the percentage of UNCOLLARED deer that did. And I didnt say i dont beleive them. But the fact is, they dont even know exactly how it correlates to the herd overall, although a few commmissioners didnt mind making unbased statements about it recently. Id like to believe our biologists arent complete morons, and that they know just as well as i that the study wasnt conducted to take the data at face value with no variables at all taken into account.

"^ How can you say that ? Do you KNOW current herd sizes are all at or below capacity."

According to both pgc & the deer audit our units had been for the most part meeting the herd goals of stabilization or reduction...which was the goals for most wmus. That means if you harvest more where stabilization is the goal that is being met, you end up with REDUCTION and no longer stabilization. IF you harvest more where the goal of reduction is being met, you get even more reduction.

"Browsers don't do as well in mature timber."

Agreed, but it is what it is....although thats not entirely true, deer in mature timber will do better if they are under cc, than other habitat may if its well over cc.

"Perhaps you should just move to one of those other states."

Thanks for the suggestion. But if hunting were the only concern, id have left a helluva long time ago, and not because i dont kill bucks here, its just that hunting is MUCH better in alot of other states both now and prior to the deer program.

"btw.. ticks are out year around, above 28 degrees."

Just the way i worded it. Dont be so up tight. I dont generally get 5 on me in one trip from October through April..

" No stinkin' ticks by scent shields works well."

Thanks, i'll have to give it a try. Id never messed with bug sprays much, always thought they were probably worse for you than the ticks themselves. But im tired of those ugly bloodsuckers.

post edited by wayne c - 2010/07/15 10:49:14
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