2010/05/19 11:33:35

hook: #14 3X long curved
thread: black #6
underbody: .015 lead wrap
tail: black goose biot
rib: clear tippet material. (optional)
abdomen: mixture of black and brown fur dubbing
antenna: black goose biots (optional)
thorax: same as abdomen
wing sections: 2 turkey tail feather sections. laquared and trimmed
head: same as abdomen

1. thread base hook shank and counter-wrap lead wire as shown

2. dub a small ball of black dubbing on hook bend

3. split two goose biots on each side of dubbed ball and tie in

4. tie in rib now if desired
5. dub abdomen with mixed black and brown dubbing fur.

6. Antenna: make a dubbed ball behind eye of hook and split two biots the same as tail.

(i eliminated antennas on next steps)
7. tie in first wingcase section. (notice how far back thread is on body in step 5 and 7.)

8. dub over thread wrap and trim wing section.

9. tie in second wingcase

10. dub over thread wraps and whip finish
11. use dobbing needle to pick out dubbing under wingcases to create legs

2010/05/19 17:11:25
2010/05/19 18:27:14
Very nice DT. Been away from the vice for a bit - gotta get back to it. Thanks for posting the tute.
2010/05/19 18:33:02
nice stone flys dt looks like a trout killer to me

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