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2010/09/02 21:03:04 (permalink)


Just got a disturbing email from Cabelas which said that the courts may let the ban on lead apply to fishing. There's a form on the Cabelas web site to protest this matter.

Boy do we ever need to down size government by like 50%? There are just too many people with too much time on their hands and making tooooo much money!

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    Dream Catcher
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 21:18:36 (permalink)
    + 351,000,000 I believe it's more like 90% and for example here's another stuipid sign taxes paid for and we have to look at .

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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 21:25:20 (permalink)
    Already illegal to purchase in NY.
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 21:56:50 (permalink)
    I am all for it, if it is good for the future of the environment.

    Tons of lead being dropped to the bottom of our water cant be a good thing.
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:09:36 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: saltydog

    I am all for it, if it is good for the future of the environment.

    Tons of lead being dropped to the bottom of our water cant be a good thing.

    You mean you want the GUBERMENT to CONTROL what you can and can't buy for fishing? But this is AMERICA, which means you should be able to buy, drive, and pollute whatever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. When has hunting or fishing ever HURT the environment anyhow. I'm sick of Obama blowing up our oil wells, stopping me from driving a seal-oil powered hummer, and acting like big businesses hurt the environment. What a conmunist/facist/socialist...

    Seriously though, I completely agree with you. This doesn't really affect my fishing much at all. Whats the point of a put and take fishery if everything is too full of lead and other toxins to eat?
    Dream Catcher
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:22:56 (permalink)
    It doesn't hurt much of anything . What we should be watching is the folks that dump old car batteries out at the end of a pasture about the same amount of lead in a stream in a given year .

    Seriously it came from the earth , fish do not eat it , and won't hurt you unless YOU eat it ......

    The cost is 6-15 times greater for alternatives . If you wanna use alternatives do it ...

    If you wanna support it do it but I see NO upsides to this except capital gains for inside traders and crippling sportsmen even further . Especially ones that quible over having to buy all these stamps and a license to fish .

    The only way I would support it is if the extra 6-15% it generates goes back into OUR fisheries ; not into the pockets of one or all of our already too many representatives in government .
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:27:18 (permalink)
    its all b.s. they keep trying to put dumb regs on fishing hunting and whatever else they can. if they take lead products away prices are going to skyrocket. think about spit shots they will cost twice as much to use a different product other than lead. I am glad i make my own stuff out of lead and will continue to do so.

    Dream Catcher
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:30:31 (permalink)
    SSSHHHH big brother is watching
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:36:04 (permalink)
    that is for sure oh well he can watch me melt lead and drink some cold beer lol hahahahaahah

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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:41:14 (permalink)
    Dream Catcher: A lot of things come from the earth that don't belong in our waterways in the concentrations that WE cause them to be there in. So the fish in the great lakes are naturally unhealthy for human consumption? I mean mercury is from the earth, so its not a big deal right?

    I already use tin split shot and brass and copper beads.
    Dream Catcher
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:47:11 (permalink)
    I agree to an extent .... IMO.....This world is micromanaging it's way to financial ruin . Test the waters for lead content if there is a high lead then shut it down ; but I'd be willing to bet there is no potential risk involved here with a couple of sinkers tumbling their way through the rocks .

    Cudo's for doing your part
    post edited by Dream Catcher - 2010/09/02 22:50:41
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 22:50:19 (permalink)

    I already use tin split shot and brass and copper beads.

    On August 23, 2010, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was petitioned by the Center for Biological Diversity and others to ban lead from ammunition and fishing tackle, including sinkers, jigs, weighted fly lines and components containing lead, such as brass and ballast in lures, spinners, stick baits and other fishing products

    "To enhance the machinability of brass, lead is often added in concentrations of around 2%. Since lead has a lower melting point than the other constituents of the brass, it tends to migrate towards the grain boundaries in the form of globules as it cools from casting. The pattern the globules form on the surface of the brass increases the available lead surface area which in turn affects the degree of leaching. In addition, cutting operations can smear the lead globules over the surface. These effects can lead to significant lead leaching from brasses of comparatively low lead content"
    post edited by beeverfishing - 2010/09/02 23:12:22
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:02:34 (permalink)
    "it doesn't hurt much of anything"

    That's what they said about ddt when they were spraying it all over everything.

    The cost argument is far fetched too. What's the cost increase? 50 percent, maybe a hundred percent? So a pack of shot goes from a dollar to two dollars ( I know that is not accurate, its just an example.)

    I don't think the issue is about big government telling the consumer what they can and can't buy. It's more about a society finally taking responsibility for their actions. One small step a time.
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:03:40 (permalink)
    i don't believe the sinkers on the bottom of lakes and rivers pose anymore of a threat than the boats that are laying on the bottoms

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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:06:29 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SonofZ3

    Dream Catcher: A lot of things come from the earth that don't belong in our waterways in the concentrations that WE cause them to be there in. So the fish in the great lakes are naturally unhealthy for human consumption? I mean mercury is from the earth, so its not a big deal right?

    I already use tin split shot and brass and copper beads.

    oh youmean like tin, copper and zinc as well
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:07:28 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: psu_fish

    ORIGINAL: SonofZ3

    Dream Catcher: A lot of things come from the earth that don't belong in our waterways in the concentrations that WE cause them to be there in. So the fish in the great lakes are naturally unhealthy for human consumption? I mean mercury is from the earth, so its not a big deal right?

    I already use tin split shot and brass and copper beads.

    CFL lightbulbs are a big source of Mercury (Hg)
    post edited by psu_fish - 2010/09/02 23:08:02
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:30:19 (permalink)
    psu_fish: No, I don't mean like copper. Certain metals- Lead and mercury for example, cause sickness when they are ingested in relatively small quantities. Thats why we're familiar from a young age with lead-poisoning, because its a common enough illness to be a part of the general public's knowledge. Mercury isn't used in thermometers anymore. Why? Because if you bite and break it the mercury can make you sick. If someone eats a copper BB you'll crap it out. If you eat some lead shot or drink some mercury you'll absorb parts of those metals. Don't try to act like all metals are equally toxic, or harmless, just because they occur naturally.

    Think about a waterway that has had fairly heavy fishing pressure for a long time, like an easily accessed pool in one of Alaska's big Salmon Rivers. How much lead do you think has made it's way to the bottom in the last century or so? Maybe its not an issue on all of our waterways, but I don't think its a bad idea to start looking at what impact recreational lead use is having on the environment.
    Dream Catcher
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:30:45 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: saltydog

    "it doesn't hurt much of anything"

    That's what they said about ddt when they were spraying it all over everything.

    The cost argument is far fetched too. What's the cost increase? 50 percent, maybe a hundred percent? So a pack of shot goes from a dollar to two dollars ( I know that is not accurate, its just an example.)

    I don't think the issue is about big government telling the consumer what they can and can't buy. It's more about a society finally taking responsibility for their actions. One small step a time.

    You're comparing Apples to Oranges . Liquid seaps into ground water ; lead sinkers / shot developes a film of oxgenation over time around the heavy metal that insulates the toxicity to some extent.

    post edited by Dream Catcher - 2010/09/02 23:32:25
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/02 23:36:54 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: SonofZ3

    psu_fish: No, I don't mean like copper. Certain metals- Lead and mercury for example, cause sickness when they are ingested in relatively small quantities. Thats why we're familiar from a young age with lead-poisoning, because its a common enough illness to be a part of the general public's knowledge. Mercury isn't used in thermometers anymore. Why? Because if you bite and break it the mercury can make you sick. If someone eats a copper BB you'll crap it out. If you eat some lead shot or drink some mercury you'll absorb parts of those metals. Don't try to act like all metals are equally toxic, or harmless, just because they occur naturally.

    Think about a waterway that has had fairly heavy fishing pressure for a long time, like an easily accessed pool in one of Alaska's big Salmon Rivers. How much lead do you think has made it's way to the bottom in the last century or so? Maybe its not an issue on all of our waterways, but I don't think its a bad idea to start looking at what impact recreational lead use is having on the environment.

    my point was that copper, tin and zinc are also mined from the Earth so using your logic they should stay in the Earth like lead.

    Lead is still in paint but in much smaller quantites. Cobalt is added to paints as well...should we ban it too?
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 08:51:07 (permalink)
    You're ignoring the actual point I was making, which is that its the quantity that becomes the issue, not the natural origin of the substance. You even point out that lead is in paint in SMALLER QUANTITIES. Why do think that is? Maybe because the concentration of lead in paint was leading to too many people becoming sick? The same concept applies in other cases as well.

    By your logic the quantity of something being put into the ecosystem doesn't matter as long as it occurs naturally. We all eat a certain ammount of salt in our food, and it occurs naturally. Since the quantity doesn't really matter, you shouldn't have a problem eating 5 or 6 pounds of table salt a day right? I mean it occurs naturally. Or would it make sense to limit that intake?
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 09:00:33 (permalink)
    I have no issues if they can find a way to make the substitures cheaper. Any time I've bough non toxic shot or sinkers they are too pricey. If they drop the cost I think it's no big deal. But I also think its not that big of a deal to begin with. If I haven"t been posoned by bitting my split shot on/off for years, it's probably not that big of a hit to the enviroment. But either way I won"t quit fishing.
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 09:10:45 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: SonofZ3

    You're ignoring the actual point I was making, which is that its the quantity that becomes the issue, not the natural origin of the substance. You even point out that lead is in paint in SMALLER QUANTITIES. Why do think that is? Maybe because the concentration of lead in paint was leading to too many people becoming sick? The same concept applies in other cases as well.

    By your logic the quantity of something being put into the ecosystem doesn't matter as long as it occurs naturally. We all eat a certain ammount of salt in our food, and it occurs naturally. Since the quantity doesn't really matter, you shouldn't have a problem eating 5 or 6 pounds of table salt a day right? I mean it occurs naturally. Or would it make sense to limit that intake?

    i'm going to go out on a rope here and say the answer you're looking for is "it would make sense to limit that intake."  But your keyword in that statement is limit... not completely eliminate.
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 09:36:11 (permalink)
    Lead gets into waterways in ways other than fishing tackle lead. Elimination of that specific input would not completely eliminate lead in waterways, it would limit it.
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 09:39:16 (permalink)
    paint could have 50% lead and if you dont ingest it or decided to take power sander to it  and breathe it in without a breathing appartaus you wont get sick
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 09:53:52 (permalink)
    You won't likely get sick from exposure on the spot to lead unless it is a very large amount. The health impacts from exposure are primarily long term and can impact your nervous system as well as a number of other organs.

    Am I missing something here; wasn't there a ban on lead paint 20+ years ago? Anyways, I think it is a little more plausible that shot will more likely wind up in the water than paint.

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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 10:04:39 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: psu_fish

    paint could have 50% lead and if you dont ingest it or decided to take power sander to it  and breathe it in without a breathing appartaus you wont get sick

    So whats your point? That lead paint should be brought back? That lead paint isn't actually dangerous?
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 10:08:03 (permalink)
    point is i dont see the need to ban lead shot from fishing and when used correctly lead paint can be safe
    btw...plenty of marine life dies due to ingesting plastic...ban plastic too ?
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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 10:47:57 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Dream Catcher

    + 351,000,000 I believe it's more like 90% and for example here's another stuipid sign taxes paid for and we have to look at .

    Can I park my truck there? 21 mpg for a 1 ton is pretty efficient...

    There are probably other things that could be done to have a higher impact on heavy metal polution than banning lead in fishing.

    Someone mentioned DDT, at least it worked when used properly. We now have less effective chemicals that are used at higher concentrations and probably causing more problems (we just don't know it yet). There are some insect bourne diseases that were nearly eradicated during DDT usage that are now on the rise and killing people in other countries. Lead paints were much more durable than the paint on the market today, not a big deal with interior house paints but when it comes to bridges and industrial painting that's a big part of it. If you come up with a new paint that's only half as toxic as the lead based paint but you have to repaint 4 times as often what did you save? There is lead in brass and bronze, cobalt probably wouldn't do you any good if you eat it either. There's probably more toxins in one load of frac water that gets illegally dumped than the 100 years worth of split shot on the bottom of the creek. (Deep Breath) Having said all of that, I probably haven't contributed a half pound of lead by fishing in my life...

    The key with anything hazardous is responsible use.

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    RE: Lead 2010/09/03 11:01:23 (permalink)
    i believe one of the biggest charges against lead in paint was that kids/babbies would chew on the lead paint that was used on cribs and toys.

    can some one find a document that states that lead shot causes lead poisoning in fish?
    where is the scientific study that humans or animals or fish are developing lead poisoning?
    how many people got lead poisoning from split shots that are used in fishing?

    when there is known FACTS than i would say something neads to be done, until then it's a crock!!
    dry flies all the way!
    ~my 2 copper pennies worth! ~dt
    post edited by doubletaper - 2010/09/03 11:02:41

    it's not luck
    if success is consistent 

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