lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual

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2010/09/05 17:48:46 (permalink)

lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual

I have 2. my first time up to the tribs with my dad my first time wearing waders o and my i add i didn't even fish cause i didn't have a rod my dad toke 1 for himself and his friend so i decided im a Guinness at walnut the hole past the bridge and there are like rock ledges the water was crystal clear and i thought that it wasn't that deep so i try to take a step on to that ledge and get my arms soaking wet and my dad just managed to pull me out before my waders can get filled.

Another experience i had when a polish guy was snaking i didn't know him at all i overheard his friends telling him to hurry up cause they snagged there limit and he was by him self so he managed to snag a steely and asked his friend do i keep the fish and he said i hooked it under the jaw his friend said yea yea put it on theirs no problem next thing he gets a tap on his shoulder and theirs a badge in his face he turned whiter then snow lmao   he got so scared and shaky i feel bad but  karma is a b*$#h seriously these moments dont sound funny but u gotta be there

share some of ur weird exciting funny unusual moments

Fish On!!!!!!

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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/05 20:12:14 (permalink)
    i was with a guy in the manchester hole who steped off the ledge once laughed our a**es off
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/05 20:21:48 (permalink)
    "Back in the day" when the salmon and ran and manchester hole was actually a hole, my friend slipped in the chute, went completely under the water while his jones hat floated along. After a few seconds he came up right under his hat. I can still see it.
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 00:30:42 (permalink)
    idk if u guys seen this guy he came with basketball sneakers and shorts  stood in the creek where the water was to his knees and snagged his limit picked up his daughter and crossed the creek i was amazed 

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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 00:48:49 (permalink)
    saw a dude do the same thing in yellow rain boots and jeans in the dead of winter...im talking 20 degree temps

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 01:19:49 (permalink)
    because if they were camo, and I said it, I would be being an elitist

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
    JOE PA
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 09:58:23 (permalink)
    Took a friend to the Oswego River (sorry about the spot burn) and at the chute where the water falls about 10 ft. there is a deep hole.  A one-handed fisherman was playing a salmon hooked in the power gate area (now off limits, I guess).  He was getting way more respect and leeway than anyone else in there while he played the fish.  He stumbles toward my friend, who backed up to get out of the way, and backed into the deep hole, rod and all.  He comes back up and I helped him out, but he has no rod (which he borrowed).  I spent the next half hour trying to find and bring up the lost rod.  Hooked 3 salmon in the process. Finally caught the rod so he could return it when we got home.
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 09:59:29 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: capcity_tim

    why's it matter what color his boots were?

    It doesn't. But it helps to "paint the picture." Sort of like saying, "There was this guy with a big white surf rod at the stop sign hole..."

    Carry on. Funny or weird stories...

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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 11:26:32 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: capcity_tim

    People fish the stop sign hole with surf rods???? wtf

    Yep! I seen it with my own eyes.
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 16:05:20 (permalink)
    people would fish with walking canes and a clothes line attached to it....
    Moses Guthrie
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/06 19:24:56 (permalink)
    Saw a guy wearing a suit snagging off the high wall at the dam at oak orchard. Also saw someone spooling their reel at the nut with kite string.
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 00:38:41 (permalink)
    My best WTF moment (outside of falling in all the time) was about 20 years ago when a friend and I were floating the Raystown below the dam. We would leave one car at the point and then float from the dam down. Well, we were down about 1/2 mile where there weren't any homes and we came around a bend and saw two girls, in bikinis, with fly rods, standing in about 2 feet of water near the shore. As we drifted by them nobody said a word. They looked at us like we were aliens, and we just looked! Funniest thing was my friend was so intent on fishing the channel near the far bank he didn't even see the girls till I pointed them out.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 01:49:10 (permalink)
    I was trout fishing with my youngest son. He was about 10 or 11 years old. We came across a nest of duck eggs early in the morning. He went to check them out and the mama duck flew away, and just floated around quacking. Well, a little later, we were fishing down past a big willow with a Canada goose nest underneath it. I told him to go see how many eggs were in it. The next thing I see is my son running down the stream in his waders, with mama goose in hot pursuit! She followed him quite a ways, and then squawked at me because I dared to fish the hole under the willow where her eggs were parked.

    chili pepper
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 09:26:13 (permalink)
    We were fishing off the wall at the mouth of Walnut one morning. The lake was rough and the waves were rolling in from the lake into the creek. Here comes these two guys in a little alum. boat heading out, smacking the incoming waves ( they should not have attemped it). The guy in front is all bundled up (it was cold) and looking straight ahead, his buddy is on the tiller.
    I didn't see what happened, but all of a sudden, the guy running the motor, is standing in the creek (up to his chest) waving his arms yelling. The motor is still going and the boat still pointed the right way. The guy in front dosen't know what is happening! His buddy(in the water) is yelling and waving his arms (so are we) but he is looking straight ahead. Oblivious.
    After a few seconds the boat starts to get cocked a little and the dude in the bow starts yelling over his shoulder, "straighten it out, straighten it out!  Finally he turns around.
    The look on his face when he finally turns around and realizes that he is alone in the boat was, .
    chili pepper
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 09:37:21 (permalink)
    One night I was fishing alone down at the mouth of Godfrey. I have these 13 ft noodle rods and used to like 1/2 oz. egg sinkers. I get it snagged and have that rod rod bent right over trying to get it out.
    All of a sudden there is a flash of white light and I am lying flat on my back.
    With a big goose egg, right between the eyes. I never measured an egg sinker but those 1/2 oz. got to be about .50 cal.
    Screamin Steel
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 11:20:13 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: indsguiz

    My best WTF moment (outside of falling in all the time) was about 20 years ago when a friend and I were floating the Raystown below the dam. We would leave one car at the point and then float from the dam down. Well, we were down about 1/2 mile where there weren't any homes and we came around a bend and saw two girls, in bikinis, with fly rods, standing in about 2 feet of water near the shore. As we drifted by them nobody said a word. They looked at us like we were aliens, and we just looked! Funniest thing was my friend was so intent on fishing the channel near the far bank he didn't even see the girls till I pointed them out.
       Them were'nt reel gurls. Them was sirens. trust me duud. I'm frum there.
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 11:27:22 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: cbeagler

    ORIGINAL: capcity_tim

    People fish the stop sign hole with surf rods???? wtf

    Yep! I seen it with my own eyes.

    Usually upside down to boot...
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    RE: lets have a lil fun and tell our crazy encounters fuuny or wierd or unusual 2010/09/07 11:33:16 (permalink)
    Back in the salmon days of the early 80's I was fishing with my dad in the manchester hole area(Like Cbeagler said, when it was a hole) This guy is casting a spoon all the way across the hole right at this BIG guys feet. The BIG guy is getting annoyed and keeps telling the guy to watch what he's doing. The guy apologizes over and over that he doesn't fish that much and is sorry but he has limited experience. The big guy said he doesn't care and if he cast at his feet again he's gonna kick his ****. The very next cast the little guy hits the big guy square in the chest with his spoon. The big guy is pi$$ed and starts across the creek. The little guy ask my dad, "what should I do", we told him to get on higher ground out of the mud. The big guy comes over and takes a swing and slips in the mud &falls on the ground. The little guy gets on top of him, puts him in a chicken wing and promises to let him up if it's over. The big guy agrees and as he is getting up, he takes another swing and slips again to the ground. This time the little guy shows no remose and whoops it up on him pretty good. Afterwards the big guy had to cross the creek again (in front of his buddies) after getting his arse kicked by the little guy, PRICELESS ! TRUE STORY no BS !
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