flies for the fall

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2010/09/05 10:32:35 (permalink)

flies for the fall

i'm just returning to fly fishing after many years of fishing cats and carp and i'm looking for help. i now realize i have no idea how to catch a trout anymore. can anyone give me an idea of what sort of flies work best this time of year. i have managed to get a few small trout out of a few local creeks but for the most part they come up, look at the fly and swim away. i've tried every fly in my box and am at my witts end. some people have told me to use woolly buggers (trout repellent) or nymphs, which i have caught a few on. but nothing has worked well. any pointers would be greatly appreciated. 

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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 07:31:33 (permalink)
    Buggers,stoneflys,usual Trout flys use use white more than usual. All this came from the same people who wont answer your post.

    coming down!!!
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 10:13:40 (permalink)
    A bead head prince nymph is my number 1 fly. One of the tricks to fly fishing for trout is to use burnt orange color flies in the fall. A gentleman in a flyshop up in the Catskills told me that, and over the years its proved to be good advice. I don't know if you tie flies, or know someone who can tie a few, but a favorite fall fly of mine is a burnt orange sinking ant. I tie them like this, after the flies I bought in that shop up in NY:

    Hook: Nymph hook, size 16
    Bead: Small gold bead
    Thread: Red 8/0
    Abdomen: Ball of burnt orange colored dubbing
    Legs: small black rubber legs, one piece tied on either side of the hook at the center of the leg, so you end up with 4 "legs". Leave the red thread wraps over the legs visible as a waist between the abdomen and thorax
    Thorax: ball of burnt orange dubbing.

    Streamers are a good bet in the fall as well. This is the time of year when forage fish are maturing and getting bigger, so a streamer thats a couple inches long matches a natural food source.
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 13:38:34 (permalink)
    x2 on the prince nymph and the orange, my main 2 flies for fall and winter are a flash back prince tied with orange peacock hearl, and a pheasant tail tied with a hot orange bead...big in the fall, small in the winter 

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 14:15:11 (permalink)
    I love to use Gold-Ribbed hares ear nymphs, pheasant tails, bright chartreuse caddis nymphs,  beadtail caddis, bigger sculpins, wooly buggers and of course------the Glo Bug---some of the biggest rainbows I have caught came during the fall and winter months on glo bug patterns......I have even caught some honker browns on glo bugs........one day on the Savage River in Maryland----water was high, air was cold.......tied on an orange glo-bug and whacked brown after brown........I went back to the fly shop and asked for more glo bugs......he said WHY?  I said the browns chewed em' all up.........he said browns??  I go yes, on the Savage---he started laughing, then sold me some "steelhead sized" glo bugs........I can still hear him laughing !!!! 
    PS...here is a double whammy and sure to upset some:
    globug and drop a san juan worm off it  ---  worm in pink
    this is a killer setup if you know there are rainbows around
    post edited by 2Bonthewater - 2010/09/13 14:18:38

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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 14:16:44 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: LoganWade03

    x2 on the prince nymph and the orange, my main 2 flies for fall and winter are a flash back prince tied with orange peacock hearl, and a pheasant tail tied with a hot orange bead...big in the fall, small in the winter 

    Agreed on the orange PT. I do not use a hot orange bead on the ones I tie. I prefer to just use a lead underbody and I use orange ice dub for the thorax.

    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I'd rather not catch anything on flies." Bob Lawless

    "Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough, it will sooner or later become the right fly." John Gierach
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 14:21:13 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: 2Bonthewater

    PS...here is a double whammy and sure to upset some:

    globug and drop a san juan worm off it  ---  worm in pink
    this is a killer setup if you know there are rainbows around

    Nothing wrong with the happy meal combo

    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I'd rather not catch anything on flies." Bob Lawless

    "Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough, it will sooner or later become the right fly." John Gierach
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 15:31:56 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: norm289

    ORIGINAL: LoganWade03

    x2 on the prince nymph and the orange, my main 2 flies for fall and winter are a flash back prince tied with orange peacock hearl, and a pheasant tail tied with a hot orange bead...big in the fall, small in the winter 

    Agreed on the orange PT. I do not use a hot orange bead on the ones I tie. I prefer to just use a lead underbody and I use orange ice dub for the thorax.

    I tie those too...just started this past winter experimenting with ice dub for thorax orange and chartreuse, stockies love them

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 15:39:34 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: LoganWade03

    ORIGINAL: norm289

    ORIGINAL: LoganWade03

    x2 on the prince nymph and the orange, my main 2 flies for fall and winter are a flash back prince tied with orange peacock hearl, and a pheasant tail tied with a hot orange bead...big in the fall, small in the winter 

    Agreed on the orange PT. I do not use a hot orange bead on the ones I tie. I prefer to just use a lead underbody and I use orange ice dub for the thorax.

    I tie those too...just started this past winter experimenting with ice dub for thorax orange and chartreuse, stockies love them

    With the ice dub, there is a color called "steelie blue", try that, trust me, k?

    "If I'm not going to catch anything, then I'd rather not catch anything on flies." Bob Lawless

    "Something to think about: If you fish the wrong fly long and hard enough, it will sooner or later become the right fly." John Gierach
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/13 16:09:41 (permalink)
    hahaha ok man, will do

    The moment of truth. Where all other things unconsciously melt away from our minds the instant a fish takes our fly. We stand there on the water with wide eyes, caught in a battle stance with an idea of confidence and hope
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/15 07:34:02 (permalink)
    holy s#$! thanks everyone. i had totally stopped paying attention to this post. i will certainly be trying as many suggestions as i can get tied. fortunately i'm off for a month so i have all the time in the world. if anyone is down with hitting the yough around ramcat run. pm me. all my fishin fiends are still working during the day. 
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/17 07:04:01 (permalink)
    For fall trout on top, a well-presented green emergent sparkle caddis will, in my experience, be all you need to take any riser.
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/17 20:01:53 (permalink)
    So on this subject im heading to walnut tonight with my father and wondering when morning breaks what would serve me best to bend my 4wt with some steel??

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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/17 20:45:22 (permalink)
    flying moles,   Another point to remember is that at this time of year the forage insects (hoppers, crickets, stone flys have had all summer to mature and are quite big.  Add that to the fact that the fish are looking to eat a lot to build up strength for the winter and that should give you an inclination of where to go.  Hoppers and crickets work well in the fall.
    Steelbum your 4 wt is way small for what you might encounter on any trib right now.   If you plan to have a lengthly fight , all you will do is PO people because they are soo close together that there is no room for a lengthly fight.  Yank em and cank em is the order of the day till the fish get spread out more.  Try a peach sucker spawn, with a veil.

    Illegitimis Non carborundum
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    RE: flies for the fall 2010/09/22 21:47:56 (permalink)
    This time of year terrestrials are very good. Size 12 black ants, either made of foam or deerhair. Beetle patterns. Small hoppers and crickets. And sinking green inchworms.
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